November Hols 2

We have been on holiday again this week. One of Nicky's friends from church had offered use of their family bach (holiday home) in Whangamata, but we didn't end up going because of still being in "health recovery mode". I am now almost back to normal, Nicky is still dealing with her sinusitis, and Claire is improving but still coughing. So, we have had the week at home again being leisurely. The beginning of the week was not brilliant weather-wise, so we stayed home and read and jigsawed. A ray of mild excitement occurred on Monday when we had a delivery from China. Many months ago Nicky had been told at work about a website for ordering cheap glasses (spectacles). A couple of weeks ago we ordered a pair for her as the ones she bought from the opticians about a year ago had been in for repair for a second time and the lenses have also got scratched. We entered Nicky's prescription details on the website and chose a frame and sent the order off. We were both a litt...