November Hols

We have been on holiday this week. Nicky and Claire have taken annual leave, and I just planned to fit my work commitments around them which has been very easy with being offered very little work (which is somewhat worrying).

We have a long list of things to do in and around Auckland, and have made virtually no headway into it due to health and weather. Both myself and Claire have picked up Nicky's cold, and though we are all recovering, we are not yet 100%. So, on almost any given day, at least one of us hasn't felt like doing much, and the weather has been cool and often wet, but it has been good to have some quiet time at home together.

We have managed a visit to the Botanical Gardens to see this year's Stoneleigh Sculpture exhibition, and surprised ourselves when we realised it was Jan 08 since we last saw this. Time has flown. Again the exhibition was interesting and the gardens enjoyable and the weather overcast but dry.

Nicky had time to attend a lecture on library induction, along with making cakes for us to test for Claire's 21st and working hard on getting Christmas presents organised. She and Claire went to the cinema to see New Moon, the new film in the Twilight series, while I did a massage.

Yesterday, the best day of the week weather wise, we popped up to the Community Centre to have a look at a flower and garden exhibition. I was again struck by just how much the community centre is used and is a focus for activities in the Bay.

Today, Steve and Ros have been over for Scrabble and I had a dry run at putting the frame up for the gazebo. The weather forecast for next week is inconclusive, and has been wrong most of this week.

Bye for now,



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