The natives are restless

It’s the weather. Summer is not getting it together at all, especially towards the end of this week when we have had a major storm system bringing rain and high wind. In fact it is the wind which is the most noticeable feature at the moment. Even when it is warm and sunny, if you don’t get out of there wind it is tiring and chilly. However, this does mean when it isn’t raining I can get the washing dry in a couple of hours. This doesn’t stop the natives complaining though.

The library has continued to be busy with the schools being on holiday, and I have had a moderate amount of work. Our local telco has changed some of its security systems and that is causing some of my customers to have issues.

We have had dinner on the Rattigan a couple of times, and a few visits from Jancis. Our evenings have been occupied watching The Level, which was shown as five episodes from Sunday to Thursday.

Yesterday we decided to go and have a walk to the Fairy Falls, which are about 30 minutes drive away. A few minutes before we got there I realised I hadn’t got any footwear with me, and then when we got to the car park it was full, so we continued on to Bethalls beach and had a wander in the wind. We found some shelter at the southern end to take a repose with some dried fruit and nuts before walking back against the wind. We just had time to make and eat bruschetta for a very late lunch before Stella and Steve arrived for Scrabble. Then it was scrub up and glad rags time to head of to Valda’s 70th birthday party, collecting Jancis on the way. We didn’t know many of the people there, and the band (Murray’s, the vicar’s husband) though good were very loud so conversation was impossible for much of the time. It was a very lively affair with some good speeches and enjoyable food.

It was our turn for the storm last night. On our way home from Valda’s do we encountered streets without power so were pleased to find that we still had a connection, but BHB made the national news tonight with one of the trees that came down on a power line (on Boundary Road I think). The weather made for a broken night’s sleep but today has been better than we expected - not solid rain but sunshine and showers. While Nicky was at church I did the ironing, then Jancis called in for a pot of tea and some mah jongg. We have spend the rest of the day watching Shetland (series 2) on DVD. A Police drama, single story over 6 one-hour episodes. It has been very good.

I shall close with a bit of humour this week - a tag-line which I spotted on a truck from company who provide portable loo’s and have eco credentials : “Improving the world from the bottom up”. Almost as good as the refrigerated haulage company in the UK: “Cooler than an August Bank Holiday”.

Take care, Rick


Cocker1 said…
How do you play MahJong three ways? Or does someone play two walls?

Pouring here too and chilly!

Happy New Year all!
Rick said…
We just deal the last 4 tiles slightly differently then play in the normal way. All the walls get worked through anyway.

At least you expect chilly weather!!
Cocker1 said…
Thanks! Only just seen this.

Cocker1 said…
Thanks! Only just seen this.

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