November 8th

Another week draws to a close, so it's time to update the blog.

Nicky has been working as usual, but the library hasn't had quite so many borrowers this week so there has been an opportunity to get on with other tasks, which has been good.

Claire has been on study leave this week, her last exam is tomorrow.

I did my final assessment at college - a one hour massage of a tutor. This is the assessment which I have to pass to get my qualification. I will get confirmation in a couple of weeks but I think I passed because the tutor didn't ask me to repeat anything or to book a re-sit, but didn't actually say I had passed. So, I will wait for written confirmation.

We have all been on the look-out for a local fireworks display for Bonfire Night as our usual venue (a school) has closed. It was a fee-paying school and the recession hit hard at the beginning of the new academic year and the roll dropped by half. We wanted somewhere local so that we could support our community and be within walking distance, but it was not to be. The displays we did find out about were really big, some distance away, and quite expensive. Thursday (the 5th) also turned out to be an unusually English day - drizzle all day.

I have had some Mac and massage work this week, and have used my new massage location for the first time. I had arranged to use the room at the hair salon on an as required basis, but because they didn't seem too happy about this and the contract took ages to arrive, I started looking for an alternative. I went and had a chat with a physio just across the road from the salon in Grey Lynn, and she was very happy to give me access to her massage room, and was very please to help me starting out with a massage business. It was really good to meet someone so positive and who is also working in a similar field.

The weather has been mixed and spring like, but is growing warmer and drier, but the breeze can still be a little cool. Steve has been over today for Scrabble and assistance with setting up his new Mac. I made cornbread for the first time which was interesting.

That's it for this week, bye for now.



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