November 1st

It has been an extraordinary week - well sort of. For the first time in ages, Nicky has been home for five consecutive weekday evenings. This is due to her not doing Maori this term, it being the off week for the alternating meeting of Life Group, and the Quilters not meeting or her doing a late night. It has been fun.

My week has been very light in terms of work, though today I have earned by doing post-event massage at the Auckland Marathon. Very busy, or "full on" as they say here, and tiring, but an interesting experience.

Claire did another exam this week, which went OK - could have been better, could have been worse. She sits here last paper for this academic year in just over a week. She has worked both Saturday and Sunday at Whitcoulls this weekend so is looking forward to having a quiet day tomorrow.

Nicky and I had a quite unexpected experience on Saturday. We were invited on Friday evening to join one of our neighbours from Matata Street at the Community Centre for a local history thing on Blockhouse Bay. We both assumed (independently) that it would be a few photos and memorabilia being exhibited. Oh no. It was a series of short films which had been made over the last year about members of the Blockhouse Bay community, telling some of their life stories and discussing life in "The Bay". It was fascinating, interesting, and included a free lunch. I for one had not realised what high regard many of the local population have for The Bay. It was something special to be involved with.

We had our regular wallow in the hot pools at Paraki, after enjoying another day of glorious sunshine tempered with a cool breeze. Looks like the wind will change direction next week so if we keep the sunshine the temperature will start to get above 20C on a regular basis. Looks like summer might be on the way.

Bye for now,



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