Getting Sociable

We have been getting more sociable this week. On Tuesday Maria, my friend from D&M, came over for afternoon tea, so Nicky and I conjured up delights for the event. Nicky made puff pastry, caramelised red onion and goats cheese squares. She went to the trouble of making her own puff pastry (Paul Hollywood’s recipe and photographic guidance) which she topped with the Hairy Bikers caramelised red onion and goats cheese. They were absolutely wonderful, and we had some of the onions left over for future use. I made flaky pastry lemon curd tarts with a layer of Philadelphia cheese in the bottom. They were pretty good too. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a photo of Nicky’s creation because we were just finishing putting them together when Maria arrived, so were straight into tea and chatting. I had finished my tarts earlier: It was really good to have some time with Maria and enjoy the food we had made, though we all agreed that doing two dishes with butter rich pastry wasn’t nec...