Getting there

The major news this week comes from the topic of the year so far: we have had two days with no new Covid 19 cases. The other days have been low numbers, 2’s and 3’s. What alert level 2 we be like has been a major topic of discussion. We should find out when we will be moving to level 2 tomorrow. I think it can be summarised as much more like normal life, but with physical distancing everywhere (cafés, shops, the beach etc) and quarantine/isolation being maintained at the border. I think most people are looking forward to it, especially those that I think of as being in the “discretionary spend” industries of hospitality and tourism.

One big change with level 2 for us is that we should be able to go to Wanganui again to see our new home progress, once we have consent from the council and our builder can get started!

I have had more work this week, mainly done remotely as has become the norm, but on Tuesday a customer dropped their new and old computers in to me for setting up, and I returned them on Friday and did the bits that I could only do on site. It was good to have the work and the money will be very welcome. We have been doing OK; I don’t think the light at the ned of the tunnel is a train.

Other than that our week has been very routine for the current situation. Walks, ambles, games of Mah Jong and Rummy-O, baking, laundry and cleaning have filled the days. Nicky had a major wardrobe cleaning session while looking for missing earrings. We delivered three bolts of fabric to another quilter (she lives across the main road) who had run out of material. Nicky bought some sushi from the local shop for lunch on Tuesday as a treat for them and us. We had a FaceTime chat with Jancis who got back home to Loughborough OK.

We had a late breakfast of boiled eggs yesterday before starting our Saturday jigsaw, and Nicky Scrabbled at Stella’s in the afternoon. Today while she was church Zooming I had a walk and while I was snoozing this afternoon she has been cooking - so I’m looking forward to whatever comes out of the oven. Turned out to be very good fish pies.

Nicky often asks if I have a nice photo for the blog. With not being out much recently few have been taken so here is one from the archive, Anawhata on the West Coast:

And finally, to the answer to last weeks puzzle. If you take the first letter of each word in the first paragraph of the blog, it spells “It’s the wrong franchise Gromit”, which is of course the appropriate response when greeting a Star Wars fan with “Live Long and Prosper” on May the 4th.

Take care and stay safe, Rick


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