Green Light

We have consent. Following an email from Wanganui Council about an invoice we had a phone call from Bert the Builder on Thursday to say that the consent for our build had been granted and he can start the build!!! It is the most exciting news we have had this week, and for us more exiting than moving down to level 2.

Little seems to have changed with the move to level 2. Supermarket shopping is still the same, church is still closed, and with not being daily café patrons their re-opening has not had an impact on us. There is decidedly more traffic around, but people are still being pretty good at physical distancing.

We had a walk up Mt Roskill on Monday to take the air, and were quite startled by all the residential construction that was happening which we didn’t know about:

On Tuesday Stella came over so Nicky bought cream doughnuts to celebrate (just the three). We had collected compost and seedings for her from Steve after going up Mt Roskill.

Level 2 started on Thursday and Mary came over for a chat and brought some quilts with her. We both did a bit of shopping up the Bay, and then on Friday Nicky bought herself a gorgeous new green jumper and a colourful skirt form Shirleys. The local businesses seem to be getting good support which is very pleasing to see.

Before Covid-19 took hold, James and Wendy who are the primary organisers of the Deep and Meaningful MeetUp discussion group had wanted Nicky and I to go over for dinner before we moved to Wanganui and before they went on their travels to Sydney and Vermont. Level 4 lockdown stopped that, and this week we re-arranged and went over last night. James cooked a wonderful dinner of Beef Wellington followed by chocolate tort, and we had a lovely evening. I was great just being the four of us and having plenty of time to talk.

Today while Nicky Zoomed with church I went out to Karekare for the first time since mid-March. Both the road and the beach was much busier than usual, due to now being in level 2 and this morning being sunny but breezy. I had a lovely walk and brief swim in the cool sea. Stella, Steve and Ros came over for Scrabble this afternoon, so our normal routines are slowly resuming. If ever things will get back to just how they were only time will tell.

Take care, Rick


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