Lockdown Kiwi-style

In these somewhat testing hours, every week reinforces our neuroses. Gone from routine acquisition, “no coffee” has instigated some extreme group rituals of mature infant tantrums.

We are now in Level 3, which from a social perspective is almost the same as level 4, but more business are now allowed to open, so long as workers are able to keep physically distant, or staff and customers can have contactless interactions. What this really means for most people is that takeaways can be ordered on-line and either delivered or collected. Kiwi’s are able to get their coffee fix again, but this isn’t a deal breaker personally as I still enjoy the coffee I make at home at home.

We celebrated moving to level 3 by having takeaway for dinner on Friday night, and because we wanted to support our local businesses. Mango chicken, vegetables and nan were duly ordered from Mt Everest Kitchen (where we have enjoyed eating in the past) for me to collect. It was far more than we need as I had forgotten their portion sizes, so we went to bed rather stuffed on Friday night, and felt we had a very good dinner last night finishing off the lobs.

Our other food related treats this week (I went shopping on Tuesday) were a loaf of fresh walnut bread, and a leg of pork which we roasted for dinner on Wednesday. We thoroughly enjoyed both, though Nicky’s choice of meat-to-crackiling ratio was a little biased. I’ll let you guess in favour of which!

Monday was a public holiday with Anzac Day having been on a Saturday this year. It was a lovely sunny day, so washing was done, and distance chats with Dawn and Jancis were had. Nicky made omelettes for tea and the evening was devoted to the telly.

I have had a bit more work this week, mainly done remotely, and Thursday afternoon turned out to be quite hectic. Jancis had decided to return to the UK on one of the repatriation flights, after ordering a new Mac from Apple a day or two before. There was much concern that the Mac would not arrive before she left, so there was great relief when it was delivered on Thursday and I was able to set it up for her. We popped over to her cousins yesterday morning to wave her off.

Nicky had an exciting trip out early on Thursday morning. She needed to have her regular blood test but our local LabTests was closed, so she had to drive over to Mt Roskill. It’s the furthest afield she has been since we had our Covid tests at St Lukes. Heady stuff!

A 4-leg visitor has been dispatched - one of the traps caught a miscreant during Tuesday night. Nicky had found evidence of mouse habitation in the cupboard in the lounge where she keeps all her quilting materials so emptied and cleaned it. 

Yesterday, being Saturday, was jigsaw day, this time the London Underground map. The day stared sunny and breezy so some washing was done, but by lunchtime it has clouded over and we had a little moisture in the afternoon, followed by rain overnight. Today started dull, and we have had quite a bit a rain, but it was significantly brightened by Stella coming over for a chat, a game of Scrabble, and to join our bubble. It was very good to see her again.

And finally, for those of you reading this on Monday, Happy May the 4th. Live Long and Prosper.

Take care, Rick

PS: there is a coded message at the beginning of this blog that relates to the end of the blog. It is a very simple code because I only have a very simple brain, but I thought it might be fun. There are no prizes for figuring it out, just the pleasure of knowing that you have.


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