What did that say?
This week has been an "at home" week. I haven't had any on-site work until today, neither of us have been out any evening, and Nicky stayed at home on Wednesday with a bug. She started to feel unwell while at work on Tuesday with sore glands and throat. The library wasn't too busy at the beginning of the week due to the wind and the rain, but it was busy again when a high pressure system brought clear skies at the end of the week. I have had a couple of shopping trips, one to Sylvia Park to the Sony shop to get Nicky a new BlueTooth headset for using with her iPad. The other was to Airport Oaks to buy some new trousers from the Icebreaker Outlet store with my birthday money. I know it was pre-birthday but it was a nice day and I fancied a trip out. I also managed a trip to Whatipu on Friday morning and had a lovely walk along the beach in-spite of the cool wind. After a lovely breakfast of bangers and toms on toast yesterday, Nicky went off to Spotlight and I di...