Dissolving in the rain

So now we are into May, but when the week began it was still April and we had a public holiday for ANZAC Day. This has now been “mondayised”, i.e.: because the actual day fell on a weekend, we get the Monday following as a public holiday to make up for the fact that lots of us were having the Saturday off anyway.

We had planned a delayed trip to Rangitoto with Jancis, but the weather forecast was not good, in fact it was very bad, so we decided not to go. This turned out to be a Good Decision as the rain on Monday morning wouldn’t have got us very wet - it would have dissolved us. The direction of the wind enabled the rain to come into the channels at the bottom of the ranch sliders in the lounge, and we decanted (via towels) almost three buckets of water before the rain eased off. The afternoon was dryer and Jancis came over for Mah Jongg and took us out to dinner. We went to an Indian restaurant on Lincoln Road in Henderson and had a very enjoyable meal. When we returned home we watched “The Lunchbox” on DVD, a film about the development of a romance between two people via the lunchbox delivery system in Mumbai, which I though was very appropriate in the light of our dinning selection. It had been a great afternoon and evening and a lovely way to spend our last proper get together with Jancis before her return to the UK today.

The rain resumed on Tuesday as we went back to work. I had a couple of very busy days which tailed off towards the end of the week, but April has finished up being a good month. I went up to Orewa for a MeetUp group on Thursday evening, and then up to The Block for a pint on Friday evening.

Nicky has been busy as usual in the library. She really enjoyed the music performance by a band from Green Bay School on Friday. On Tuesday evening she had her first Te Reo session down in New Lynn where they learn by playing games. She really enjoyed it so I think this will become a regular event for her. She also went up to church for the prayer meeting on Thursday evening.

A friend of hers at church is very seriously ill in hospital, so we have started making meals for his wife and daughter. I did some on Friday afternoon and Nicky did a major cook on Saturday. She delivered them after playing Scrabble at Stella’s and while I was modelling in town again (the booked model had cancelled on Friday which is why I was asked to do the second session).

The weather has been better during the weekend, so while Nicky was a church this morning I went out to Karekare for a walk and a swim. Jancis was just leaving after paying us her final visit as I arrived home. Nicky is feeling quite deflated at her departure and the confirmation that unless Jancis marries a local, she isn’t going to get residency.

This afternoon we have been out for a walk to another church friend of Nicky’s to help her watch a TV programme on the internet, and we plan a quiet evening after having crumpets for tea.

Take care, Rick


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