And the winner is . . Mr Cameron

We didn’t have any public holidays this week, but Nicky had two nights of poor sleep over the weekend and was battling against a bug which most of her colleagues had succumbed to, so took Monday off. She wasn’t entirely right by any means on Tuesday morning but went back to work anyway as the library was very short staffed. She has slowly improved through the week though still feels like she is recovering.

Work for me has gone almost from feast to famine. I have only done a couple of on-site jobs this week, but have been tied to the desk with other issues for quite awhile. I had my final B12 injection on Monday, and a quick swim at Herne Bay on Thursday but the water wasn’t very warm.

Evenings have been busy, with Nicky at Te Reo on Tuesday, house group on Wednesday, and me out at my MeetUp group on Thursday. I had a fun afternoon on Friday, making carrot and spud soup while watching the BBC Election coverage over the internet. It is much more entertaining watching it at a sensible time of day. Interesting result.

Yesterday I had to revisit a Mac which I saw on Friday as email seemed to utterly confuse it. Nicky did washing, ironing and mowed the grass. Steve and Stella came over for Scrabble and the sunshine was lovely. After having soup for tea we watched “The 100 Foot Journey” on DVD, which had a nice feel-good factor but was a little contrived in areas.

Today was Mother’s Day here. Nicky and I went into town this afternoon for a 10-year anniversary celebratory Thursday lunchtime free concert at the main library. I hope you grasp the irony of a Thursday concert on a Sunday. Anyway, the music was very good, and after a cup of tea and some light nibbles we had a pleasant wander in town.

The weather this week had been decidedly un-seasonal. We had quite a bit of rain on Friday, but other than that just some cloud and very mild - reaching 20°C sometimes, which is not bad for mid-autumn.

Finally, I didn’t have photos of the Indian wedding that Nicky attended when posting the relevant blog, so here are some now.

Take care, Rick


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