Lovely nosh

 I have started to notice this week that the mornings are a little darker, and the evenings a little shorter. It always seems a strange to me that the days start to shorten as we enter what is usually the warmest period of the year. The stereotype of “long hot days of summer” doesn’t seem to be quite as relevant.

John, from the quiz team, called in for a cuppa at the end of his working day on Monday. We slurped and munched on shortbread in the back garden for a very pleasant hour or so. He is always good company. Late on Tuesday afternoon Nicky’s brother Steve arrived to stay the night. Nicky had a vestry meeting so Steve and I had a quiet evening. Scrabble was played on Wednesday morning before Steve went for a pre-departure walk and Nicky went to a funeral. We finished our day by coming 6th at the quiz with 92 points.

The rain started on Thursday while Nicky was staffing the community library, but so did a new season of The Great British Bake Off. In-between these two events we had an enjoyable time at a BBQ for church staff and vestry members. The rain didn’t stop the children enjoying the swimming pool at Colleen and Roberts’ home.

The rain had stopped by Friday morning and it developed into a hot sunny day. Nicky did loads of laundry and some gardening. I did a bit of MacOnSite work late afternoon before getting our first fish and chips of the year for dinner.

My week has been dominated by working on the paddle steamer. We have sailed everyday except Tuesday and it has been tiring, especially on the hot days.

After working in the garden yesterday Nicky cooked us a lovely dinner of beef schnitzel with double roasted spuds and veg with cheese sauce. We then started watching the Moonflowers Murders, another Anthony Horowitz story.

Today started misty, but developed into another warm and sunny day while Nicky was at church and I was sailing on the paddle steamer. We had a stop-over at Upokongaro so that the passages could disembark for a picnic and to explore the settlement.

This evening we have been over to Phil and Kristina’s for an excellent venison BBQ and a good long chat. We have returned home tired and stuffed.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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