A smidge of summer

It has been a hot week:

A combination of having ranch sliders open and sunscreen blinds down has helped to moderate the temperature in our home during the day. Open windows in the bedroom through the evening and night have cooled the room as the overnight temperatures have been pleasantly cool due to the clear skies.

It has been the last “quiet” week of the summer break for Nicky. Church cleaning and laundry on Monday were followed by hosting home group social lunch on Tuesday. For this she made focaccia and provided cheeses and we had a lovely shared lunch with some delicious contributions. On Thursday she made apple cakes which were very good, and Mark and Elaine came over for a piece each and a cuppa in the afternoon.

I have sailed every day of the week except for Tuesday, when I did the shopping and helped Nicky with the shared lunch. We have started to have a problem with people trespassing onto the boat in the evenings and having mud fights, leaving us to clear up the mess. I finished cutting the grass yesterday evening and am finding the impact of working six days a week in the heat tiring.

We didn’t quiz this week as Pete the question master was away. The first Community Kai of the year at the marae was good and some new faces were there.

We have enjoyed watching the Moonflower Murders on the TVNZ streaming service, and of course, Bake Off. On Friday evening after doing the crossword in the back garden with a pot of tea we started harvesting the damsons. I think this is a little over half of what was on the tree:

Nicky started making a reduced sugar damson and apple jam/jelly yesterday which currently tastes wonderful but is too runny. Our banana plant is also coming along:

Church was very busy for Nicky this morning with lots of duties to perform. This afternoon we have had a lovely chat with Bruce and Wendy (Canadian relies) who are in Mt. Maunganui at the moment. We have rounded the week off with picnic tea in the back garden and then went over to see Mark and Krystyna for the evening catch up with their bathroom renovation, and sink a bottle of wine.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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