
 And finally, I get chance to sit down and write the blog. It has been a very busy, and warm, weekend. Monday was a holiday here as Whanganui takes the same anniversary day as Wellington. In addition, it was Whanganui Vintage Weekend which was very well attended. This added to our commitments and coincided with visits from friends and social gatherings.

Way back at the beginning of last week, which now seems so long ago, it was a routine start. While I sailed on the paddle steamer, Nicky cleaned at church, did laundry and made scones for our expected afternoon visitors. I had invited Jackson (who works in the paddle steamer booking office and is our Quartermaster) and his wife Molly over for afternoon tea. Jackson also takes on most of the wharfie duties, throwing out the rope when we are coming into park. I was a little surprised that he wasn’t on the wharf, and then when I left work he wasn’t in the office. An email from him a little while later revealed that he was in A&E with chest pains, which was later diagnosed as angina, which is better news than it could have been. Afternoon tea was rescheduled for today, Tuesday.

Last Tuesday began with a long FaceTime chat with Jancis. She was looking well but life is becoming increasingly challenging and painful for her. After a good lunchtime chat with Claire I went over to Kim and Dorothy’s to provide them with some technical support. Nicky had her annual check up with the optician which went well. We had some soup before going back into town for a 5.45pm showing of Conclave at the cinema. Nicky enjoyed it more than me, but some of the acting and photography was excellent. On our return home we had a pot of tea and some hot cross buns.

Wednesday’s sailing was in good weather and Nicky spent some time in the garden, where we had afternoon tea. Quizzing started again in the evening and we opened the year with 85 points and 4th place. While walking from the car to the club for the quiz I somehow had a mis-step and hurt my right gluteus medius. It was really painful, and while it wasn’t as bad on Thursday morning it was sufficiently painful that I didn’t go and work on the boat. Rest and massage helped but I could only manage “light duties” around the house for short periods before the pain became too intense. The weather was gorgeous as I potted around and did some laundry. Nicky had her first session of staffing the Community Library for 2025 and on her return we did the NZ Listener crossword. Apart from the pain I had a lovely day.

I had a doctors appointment booked for Friday morning to discuss further use of the drug that the urologist had prescribed me. The pain in my gluteus medius was much improved (without pain killers) and the GP said she was happy for me to work as we had a sailing in the evening. Since then, up until yesterday afternoon, it has been fine. 

Friday evening was the first of our Jazz Cruises for the weekend. Nicky, Jacqui and Frances came along as it was their last chance to enjoy it for free. Light music was again provided by Andrew London and Co.

Saturday morning’s sailing was hot, and while I was away Nicky started preparing dinner for Warwick, a friend from Blockhouse Bay. He was flying down for some of the Vintage Weekend events, notably the steam train and the paddle steamer. Even though the pasta recipe that Nicky chose was from our new “Mary Makes it Easy” cookery book, it was a marathon effort. Nicky collected Warwick from the airport and brought him home for dinner after checking in at his motel. They tried to see the Waimarie en route but it was difficult with the tide being very low. After dinner she took Warwick back to his motel and then collected me from the wharf. A long and tiring day for both of us.

Nicky dropped me at the wharf again on Sunday morning while on her way to church. Warwick had booked for the Sunday sailing so we got to have a bit of a chat while under way. Nicky met the boat as we parked and she and Warwick walked over to the Mud Ducks café where I later met them for lunch. Neither Nicky or I particularly enjoyed our toasties and Warwick’s Eggs Benedict looked much nicer.

Afterwards we headed for home and Warwick headed for his steam train journey to Paikakariki. After a quick shower we began preparing afternoon tea and dinner for James and Wendy who had come down from Auckland for the Vintage Weekend. It was great to see them again and catch up with their news. The garden has changed greatly since they last visited our home, and is now much more established.

Monday was Wellington Anniversary Day which is also observed in Whanganui. The mild start developed into a hot sunny day. Nicky had offered to volunteer at the Arthritis Amble and was helping in setting up, taking food orders, serve drinks and food. Frances picked her up around 7.45am, and then I collected her just after 5pm. My morning sailing was hot but good, as there were a couple of passengers from areas of England with whom we had links: Burton-on-the-Wolds and Saltburn. We had most of the quiz team coming round for a social games evening after dinner, so I made Eccles cakes at John’s request. All 18 disappeared during answering my geography quiz and playing Articulate and Balderdash, as did most of the venision meatballs that Danny brought. Many other goodies were also consumed and we had a very enjoyable time. I requested we stop halfway through the Balderdash game as with three late nights and much socialising, I was really starting to flag.

Today has been another lovely sunny day, and reached 27ºC. While I did the supermarket shopping, Nicky had a Covid booster. Ros called in for a while as she was in town for an Andrew London gig at Heritage House, and we started preparing afternoon tea for Jackson and Molly. They are west coast Americans and have lived a varied life, but have settled in Whanganui because it just feels right.

So, there we are. A busy few days. Hopefully the rest of this week will be less hectic. 

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


StellaMM said…
Lovely to hear your news, thank you 😊

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