Happy New Year Dear Reader
It somehow doesn’t feel like 25 years since the Sydney Olympics. I can still clearly remember Nicky, Claire and I watching the triathlon and getting an arial tour of Sydney as the athletes ran and cycled. January is the time of year when our household routine is a little different from the rest of the year. I’m scheduled to be sailing on the paddle steamer 6 days a week, and most of Nicky’s commitments are on their summer break. This means that Nicky gets a much greater amount of peace and quiet at home, and I get to drive the car.
The one commitment that does continue for Nicky is church cleaning which she does after dropping me at the wharf. Monday started dull but delivered a sunny afternoon, during which we had a good chat with Maria on WhatsApp. Nicky harvested sweet pea and poppy seeds while I cut the berm.
The strong overnight wind and rain continued into Tuesday morning, but started to ease off by the time I had finished the supermarket shopping (typical). I had a good couple of chats with James and Wendy (friends in Auckland) to arrange some time with them when they are next in Whanganui. Mark and Krystyna were coming for dinner, so I decided to put my Christmas gift from Nicky to work: Mary Berry’s “Mary Makes it Easy” cookery book. I chose lamb steaks with vegetable and feta rice. It worked out well, though there was far more rice than we needed. My toasted halloumi on crackers appetiser was OK, but I need more practice at grilling the cheese. The lemon curd cheesecake was as yummy as ever. We had a lovely evening with Mark and Krystyna but we were way too tired to stay up to see in the New Year. Nicky was woken by midnight fireworks, but I slept through the pyrotechnics.
January 1st was dull and chilly. It was also the 4th anniversary of the first night that we slept in our new Whanganui home:
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Camping in our new home |
The weather was hot and sunny then, and we were so thrilled to be here. We still feel very lucky to have our retirement home and live in such a lovely spot. It was also the 25th anniversary of the restored paddle steamers’ first sailing. We had two one and a half hour sailings scheduled, but cancelled the first one because of the strong winds. The afternoon one went well and it didn’t rain, about which I am always pleased.
The weather was better on Thursday, so while I sailed Nicky did 4 million loads of washing and some weeding. We had afternoon tea in the back garden and shared our last mince pie. I made 24 in total and think I consumed two and a half. Most of them were given away, but Nicky and I did enjoy the two mince tarts which I made with left over pastry. They made the custard taste even better than usual.
Friday was rain on and off, so Nicky got fit running in and out to the washing line. I got wet on the boat, then dry, then wet again, then largely dry again. I finished reading an Alexander McCall-Smith Scandi Blanc book while Nicky ironed and sewed.
Both of my Saturday sailings were cancelled because of the howling wind, which had been strong and noisy all night. The additional rain made for a dull start to the day. Jacqui, who used to own the section next door, came over for morning tea and a chat and brought still-warm-from-her-oven cinnamon rolls with her. The rolls were lovely and it was good to catch up. Nicky made cheese buns and apricot Portuguese custard tarts in preparation for the Hanlon’s arriving for lunch. We put two tables together and brought extra chairs up from the shed and had a really great time when they arrived. They were on their way to Opunake for a week of camping (Ned stayed in Wellington for work). It was still windy when they departed mid-afternoon, but the rain had stopped.
Today started very cold and wet, though the rain was lighter when Nicky dropped me at the wharf. It started to ease off as we departed at 11am, and by the time we got to Upokongaro for our one and half stop-over the sun was out. We enjoyed the blue skies on the return trip. Nicky enjoyed the Epiphany church service, but was tired after an interrupted night. She returned to gardening after collecting me from the wharf this afternoon, sun still shinning. The unseasonable weather looks like it is going to continue into next week.
Take care, Rick and Nicky.