Into the CBD

 Our week has been bookended by sunny weather. The rain came on Wednesday and Thursday. This has enabled us to spend quite a bit of time in the garden, planting, weeding and cutting the grass. The CBD (Central Bindweed District) is looking less lush with weeds as a result.

Steve and Louise came over for lunch on Monday, ostensively to put together the Pastoral Care report for the next vestry meeting. Nicky prepared tuna and salad, and apricot and almond scones which went down very well with some good conversation. On Tuesday she hosted home group and all went well, apart from me having a few words with one the participants who doesn’t always know when to be quiet.

Other than not winning, we don’t know how we did at the quiz this week as the scoreboard system has gone “into the cloud” and isn’t as easy to access as it could be. I omitted to mention that we were the top scoring team the week before.

I fitted one of the fly screens that we bought awhile back to see how we got on with it before fitting the others. So far we are pleased with it. It is easy to get through and doesn’t significantly obscure the view through the dinning room ranch slider. I’ve done quite a bit of MacOnSite work and had a very busy weekend on the boat. We did two sailings yesterday, the second being a special BBQ, Blues and Booze evening cruise. We didn’t have the same level of problems as we had last year on a “booze cruise” but we did have some issues. Our Manager said she would shout us all dinner from the BBQ, but we didn’t end up eating until we had moored the boat and done most of the de-rigging. It was late and almost dark and we were all tired after a long day but I enjoyed my slow cooked pork.

Today we were dropping four cyclists and their bikes off at the Upokongaro wharf, but due to the very low tide it took us three attempts to tie up. This made us quite late back, but it has been good to sail all weekend and not get rained on. That doesn’t seem to have happened for ages.

Yesterday Nicky was helping a working bee at St. Oswald’s prepare for some concrete to be laid as a path to the new hall on Monday. Being an experienced house builder as she is, her expertise and guidance were greatly appreciated. Today she has been as busy as ever at church helping it to run smoothly and the parishioners refreshed.

This evening we are off up to Mark and Krystyna’s for a roast dinner. Mark’s farther Brian will be joining us. He moved to Whanganui a little while ago but we haven’t met him yet.

We have continued watching and enjoying Eddie Redmayne in the TV adaptation of The Day of The Jackal and are looking forward to more episodes becoming available.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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