
 We have used Whanganui airport for the first time this week, and it’s cute. It has two small car parks, just a couple of check-in desks, one gate, a well appointed seating area and a small café. 

Nicky was flying up to Auckland on Friday morning for a couple of things. She became a subject in an osteoporosis study about 12 years ago and the team running the study had invited all the participants to a presentation of the findings. In addition she wanted to see her sister Stella as it is two years since she visited us in Whanganui. The airport is about a 15 minute drive from our home, but we had been warned about roadworks causing up to 30 minute delays. Our delay turned out to be less than 30 seconds so we arrived very early.

Being a small airport as people started to arrive and check-in it felt quite busy. When the flight was called a lady with a clipboard and a list of passengers checked every body going through the gate. It was just a short walk to the aircraft:

Nicky enjoyed seeing Whanganui from the air as they took off. Stella met her at Auckland airport and apparently there has been much talking! I waited for Nicky’s flight to take off while having a coffee and a muffin. I then popped into town to do some errands before returning home to deal with the laundry.

On her way to church cleaning on Monday morning Nicky dropped me at the hospital for my appointment with a urology nurse which went well. Sue came for lunch and in-between the heavy showers I managed an amble. The weather has improved throughout the week so we have spent quite a bit of time in the garden. A week or two back Nicky liberated a piece of wood from somewhere as she thought it would be good as a step riser for the path down to the garden. I had constructed four steps on the path for the Arthritis Amble visitors in January last year. With starting at the bottom of the slope using left over bits of wood, by the time I got to the top I was limited on materials. I ended up using several small pieces which was an unsatisfactory solution. The new piece of wood which Nicky found was installed this week and is much better:

When we arrived at the quiz on Wednesday we discovered it had been cancelled. Our fellow team member Mike arrived at the same time as us so came back to our place for coffee, and to be introduced to Triominos and Rummy-O. He preferred the later.

By the weekend the weather had turned cloudy but remained dry, which I always appreciate when sailing on the paddle steamer. We did our usual trip on Saturday morning and this morning, but then this afternoon did two special trips for 180 steam enthusiasts. The weather was gorgeous and sunny (I was wishing I had worn my shorts) and we were able to coordinate sailing under the railway bridge while the steam locomotive crossed the bridge.

Nicky’s weekend is going well. The presentation and lunch yesterday were very good. She had a trip out with Stella in the afternoon to her favourite weekend lunch venue, and this morning was collected by Valda so that she could go to church in Blockhouse Bay. Scrabbling with Steve and Ros was planned for the afternoon.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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