Some normality

 Our health has improved this week. While not completely recovered from the virus to which we succumbed to at the beginning of last month, we are both improved from where we were a week ago.

We haven’t managed all our usual activities. Nicky didn’t make it to Home Group on Tuesday afternoon, I didn’t make it to the Wednesday Quiz (with Nicky’s help they came 4th with 97 points), and neither of us made it to the Community Kai at the marae on Thursday evening. Speaking of which, there was a very well attended tangi there this week. Initially I though it was for the Maori king, and for our new Maori queen’s coronation in Ngarawahia, but Nicky’s enquiries discovered that it was a tangi for someone else who was held in very high esteem. The attendees cars were parked on both sides of the road all the way from the marae to the Whanganui River Holiday Park, probably about a kilometre distance.

After church cleaning on Monday with Dale, Nicky visited the hairdresser and did some shopping in town. I trenched and then cleaned the cook top before ambling in shorts and T-shirt. The spring weather is already warming up, though the clear nights have required Nicky to cover the delicate seedlings with frost cloth when below 10 Celsius.

Moira and Peter were in good form on Tuesday morning when we had a chat with them via FaceTime. When the weather turned wet in the late morning, John our quiz team colleague called in for a cuppa. He is a lawnmower man and had been grass cutting near us, but had to stop due to the heavy rain. I also finally received my contract for working on the Waimarie paddle steamer this season.

Nicky had a friend, Sarah, over for lunch on Wednesday so made some gluten free fruit bread. On Thursday she had her annual visit to the audiologist before staffing the Aramoho Community Library. The audiologist is concerned about the age of her current hearing aids and future replacement options were discussed. It appears that there is nothing that can be done about the age of Nicky’s ears. When I popped outside to empty the tea pot after dinner, I noticed we had a lovely crescent moon with a star near by. With a long exposure I took this:

I have done quite a bit of MacOnSite work this week, my busiest week of this financial year so far. I went into the Riverboat Centre on Friday morning to help Bob the Bosun get some coal from the storage yard and bring it down to the museum. Afterwards I signed my contract and had a chat with Jen the manager. Mike, the other deckhand, and I had a cup of coffee and a muffin at the Yellow House café to discuss the contract changes and coming season. Our Saturday training sailing was postponed to Tuesday because of the windy weather forecast. After dropping Mike home I did a little shopping and collected Nicky from the Whanganui Museum fashion talk about a 1960’s debutant frock.

Our evenings have been occupied with watching Season One of The Twelve, an Australian court room drama which was very good. We started Season 2 last night.

The other week at the quiz Nicky and John were discussing full English breakfasts, and she discovered that John is a fellow aficionado. He was duly invited to come over sometime, and this morning was the agreed date. We produced bacon, scrambled eggs, sausages, tomatoes, beans, mushrooms, black pudding, fried bread and walnut bread toast. John helped with the cooking (and provided the toms). It was a grand and enjoyable affair. Tea and coffee followed before Nicky went off to the Maori church at St. Pauls in Putiki, which is famous for its Maori Raranga panels (weaving) and painted Maori decorations. It is Whanganui Anglicans Parish Camp weekend so most of the Christ Church parishioners are away.

Our weekend weather has been sunny but with strong winds, especially last night, along with some heavy rain. Nicky has been making pizza for dinner - tuna last night and broccoli, cheese and tomato bread tonight. We are also finishing off a very berry fool which Nicky made on Thursday for the Community Kai at the marae, which we are thoroughly enjoying.

Finally, we now have some blossom in the back garden:

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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