
 Yesterday, Saturday, was significant in a number of ways. It was 17 years since we arrived in Aotearoa. To celebrate we opened a bottle of dessert wine and had a glass each before toddling off to bed. It was my first public sailing of the season on the paddle steamer. We only had 37 passengers and as the trip progressed, the gentle spring rain got steadily heavier. There are many changes in routines and procedures, but we completed the trip safely. The organiser of our quiz team and his family completed their move to a much larger and nicer rental property in Aramoho yesterday. We took them and their volunteer house moving assistants fish and chips for dinner. Nicky also made a lovely banana cake and it all went down very well, if a little chaotically. They hadn’t had chance to do much unpacking.

Tuesday was also busy. It was training day on the paddle steamer for me. This is basically to check that we (the crew) can remember which end of the boat is the pointy bit, and to check that everything works following the winter maintenance. Even though the boat wasn’t completely ready for public use, the trip went OK and all the safety drills were completed successfully. Nicky had Sue over for morning tea, an amble, Scrabble and lunch before going to Home Group. We went to the cinema for a 5.30pm showing of “I am the river, and the river is me”, a beautifully shot documentary about the Whanganui River which was interesting. Afterwards we had burgers at a new outlet which were OK. It was enjoyable to do something a little different together, as the virus which we have both had has really restricted our activities since the beginning of August.

Neither of us are completely back to our normal energy levels yet, but the coughing and sneezing has greatly reduced. We have been enjoying watching season two of The Twelve on the TVNZ+ streaming service and are hoping that the last two episodes will be available next week.

Wednesday was very windy and Nicky was busy with her Book Club in the morning and hospital visiting in the afternoon. We were both quite relieved that the quiz was cancelled due to the organiser being unwell, even though we had been planning to go.

Nicky staffed the Aramoho Community Library on Thursday. I cut the grass in the back garden and the berm and regretted it on Friday because I felt really tired. In the evening Nicky, Dale and Bob went to a school play at the Faith City School where our neighbour Elaine teaches. They all thoroughly enjoyed it. Nicky spent much of Friday in the garden I just pottered outside.

This morning’s rain eased by lunchtime and we had a sunny afternoon. The morning’s sailing for me was cancelled due to lack of passengers, but by the time the decision was made the boat was rigged, fuelled, cleaned and ready to go. I had dropped Nicky near church on my way to the wharf. After the service she had a Diocesan Kairos half day following pizza cooked by Bishop Justin and hosted by Christ Church. It included workshops on leadership and hospitality which Nicky attended. I had a quiet time at home with still feeling quite tired.

We have had some lovely weather earlier in the week, which has helped with the drying of washing and encouraged mugs of tea to be consumed in the garden. The kowhai in the south east area of the garden has flowered for the first time:

Nicky planted it a little over three years ago and we are both very pleased with both its growth and flowering.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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