The Magnificent Dozen

 The week didn’t start well with England’s defeat in the EURO24 final. Spain were the better team, but football is probably still wandering in the wilderness. Enough said.

Almost 18 years ago, when we still lived in England, we bought a dozen tumblers from IKEA. Decorated with two different styles of patterns of dots, they were a good size and shape and had a well weighted base. They were for use at Claire’s 18th birthday celebration and so we viewed them as Claire’s tumblers. By the time we left England I suspect a couple had already succumbed to the force of gravity and landing on the unforgiving terracotta tiled floor of the kitchen (a floor which claimed more crockery and glassware than any other we have lived with). Over the years in Aotearoa their number have slowly diminished. Claire didn’t take them to Dunedin with her, trusting the remaining ones to our loving care. This week, the twelfth one has broken, the result of a saucepan lid toppling over on the draining board. They have been lovely to use.

As you may surmise Dear Reader from the above, it has been a slow news week in Whanganui. The weather has ensured that we have largely been confined to barracks, only managing one session of weeding each. Thursday was sunny and pleasant, and for a while so was this morning. The rest of the week has been cold, dull, grey, and at times wet. Not only have we finished a jigsaw, but we have started another one. Stephen Fry reading Harry Potter has accompanied this, and we have started book 4 today. The two remaining films in The Hobbit trilogy have been watched, and games of Mah Jong and Rummy-O have been played. Nicky feels as if she has been on holiday for the week.

We haven’t been out much either. Nicky cleaned at church and staffed the Community Library, but there was no home group with it being school holidays. We quizzed as usual and came 8th with 94 points. I have done the supermarket shopping and had an amble every day except for yesterday.

Yesterday, Saturday, was a good day. Even though we woke to the overnight rain continuing steadily, we enjoyed doing some jigsaw, listening to Harry defeat Dementors, and cooking for our visitors. I spent the morning making making the filling for a steak and ale pie. I was very, very pleased to find some Theakston’s Old Peculiar in the supermarket. I haven’t seen it here for years. I only needed one bottle for the pie but bought two so that one could help wash it down. After lunch Nicky took over the kitchen making spicy peach muffins and apple crumble. Kat, Israel and Ari (now about 17 months old) arrived from Palmeston North a little before 4pm and made short work of the muffins and some chocolate ones that they had brought with them. Dinner was enjoyed and Ariadne set about moving all the mugs. The shelves are just at the right height for her. She delivered them to us while we sat at the table, initially just one mug at a time. Then she realised she could do one in each hand, and then discovered that by careful use of the handles she could carry three mugs at once, much to her parents consternation. It was lovely to see them all again, but we were very glad to tidy up and get to bed.

Today started dull, but then the sky cleared so laundry was hanging outside before Nicky went to church. By the time she returned the sky was leaden again and I was heading down to the washing line. A few minutes after I brought it in the rain returned. It’s been back to the jigsaw and Harry, with a side of ironing this afternoon.

There has been little in the way of photo opportunities this week, but here is some of this weeks fog with a little rain added for fun:

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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