Tables Turned

 While it has been a more routine week, there have been a couple of developments. We had always planned for the second bedroom, now known as The Room of Requirement, to be Nicky’s sewing room. Our hope had been that we could also use it as a guest bedroom. Unfortunately its limited size makes achieving these functions a challenge. In addition, since the early days of our living here we discovered what a lovely room it was to sit in.

Many years ago when Nicky worked at the Sutton Bonnington campus of Nottingham University, the library had a re-fit. In the process the lovely big 6’x4’ oak tables were being thrown out. Nicky asked if she could have a couple as they would be just great for her to use for quilting and sewing. One weekend we hired a van and collected a couple. We didn’t start using them until we moved into Matata Street in Blockhouse Bay and set one up as our dinning table. After three years of trying to use them in the way we intended in The Room of Requirement and failing, we decided it just wasn’t going to happen. So, sadly on Friday they were collected by Wayne and Glynn from church for re-use by the co-Vicars, Billy and Caleb. We plan to get a trestle table or two that can be easily folded away to replace them. A sofa bed is also on the list of items to procure. For now, we have reorganised the room with our existing furniture:

An issue which has been on my mind for some months is that the guttering at the south-west corner of the house appeared to be blocked. The challenge in clearing it was that at 5 meters above the path that runs past it, and my ladder just isn’t long enough to reach. There is however a planter next to it:

I finally figured out this week that if I supported the ladder on some wood, so that is doesn’t sink into the lightly compacted soil, the ladder might just reach. It does, so I have been able to clear the gutter. This is a relief, as we are expecting more rain in the coming week.

Another issue occasionally impinging on my consciousness has been the cost of Luna’s annual service and Warrent of Fitness. The bill last year was eye watering due to new front suspension requirements. This year it was just a bulb and a pair of new tyres (expensive enough but I knew they were close to end of life). I am greatly relieved.

In addition to her regular commitments, Nicky had a Monday visit to the hairdresser and an abortive visit to the museum. The fashion talk had been moved to next week. The beginning of the week was wet, so we got the jigsaw finished, but by Wednesday we were back to enjoying the breeze coming through the lounge ranch sliders along with the winter sunshine. There was some discontent about the accuracy of the scoring at the quiz. We came 4th with 94.

Yesterday Nicky attended a Wills, Enduring Power of Attorney’s and Funeral Planning seminar at church. It was good. I dropped her there and then went off to do a bit of shopping and return some puzzles to the Jigsaw Exchange. I took the opportunity to have my daily amble in town, and squeezed in a coffee and a muffin en-route. In the afternoon we went to a useful talk on espaliering fruit trees at the Springvale Garden Centre. It was very good information for beginners (like us) on the support requirements, what sort of trees to choose, and training and maintenance of the trees. We came home for a cuppa and a few hands of Triominoes before going to Phil and Kristina’s for dinner. Kristina had made a lovely selection of aperitifs, so by the time we have finished those, had the main course and dessert, we were completely stuffed and had eaten too much. I also took some bottles of Old Peculiar with me and was very pleased that Phil enjoyed it.

Unfortunately the lovely food had proved to be challenging for our digestive systems, especially Nicky, so she didn’t attend church this morning. I was also feeling really tired as we have had a number of late nights with being such social butterflies and starting to binge-watch Keeping Faith, the Welsh drama which is similar to Broadchurch. An afternoon snooze was required. Nicky has been planting some clivia which Dale has given her. I checked the rest of the guttering on the west side of the house, and we had a cuppa in the back garden.

Nicky made an absolutely gorgeous carbonara dish for tea, and we will be rounding off the week with some more of the second season Keeping Faith.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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