Still sunny

 We have had another week of largely clear sunny weather. Wednesday and Thursday started off damp but cleared up. You can probably tell that it is a slow news week Dear Reader when I start the blog with the weather report, and then go on to say that probably the most notable event of the week has been Sheffield Wednesday managing to avoid relegation from the Championship. That’s football, for those of you on a different planet.

The usual routine activities have taken place at the usual times, which is very pleasing for those of us who like a little structure in their lives. It gets so confusing when things happen on the wrong day of the week. While we were playing Triominos after dinner on Tuesday we had a 4.6 earthquake which went on for about 25 seconds. No damage (that I’ve spotted), just a bit of a wobble.

On Wednesday morning we went over to see Alex and Jocelyn to have a look at their fly screens and see how that have fitted them. Their daughter-in-law supplied them and us with screens which fit to the outside of the frames with velcro. My concern was that if we didn’t like the look of the screens when they are fitted but not is use, the velcro attached to the frame would not be removable. Nicky took scones, Jocelyn made scones tea and coffee, and we had a lovely morning. My mind was also considerably eased by seeing their fly screens. I will put up one of ours and see how we get on before doing the other two. We quizzed in the evening coming 5th with 88 points. 

On Thursday I was sailing and pleased that the rain stopped around 8.30am. Nicky went to the Alpha dinner in the evening. It was the first session of the year.

Friday was domestically busy with Nicky doing her usual laundry marathon and I washed the outside of the house. Not an enjoyable job but a satisfying one. Nicky took a bit of time out in the middle of the day to go to the museum fashion talk, which she enjoyed as usual. It is becoming very popular.

While I was sailing yesterday, Nicky attended a Pastoral Care Training course at church. As we are approaching the end of the season we have moved the Saturday departure time back two hours to 1pm. Nicky’s course started at 9.30pm, so I went into town with her and then had a lovely walk in the sunshine to the wharf, via the market. There was a lovely view of Ruapehu (some 90Km/s away) with the last of the morning mist rising:

On Drews Avenue there was a youth activities event being set up:

And the tram was looking good in the autumn sunshine:

Nicky had a good morning at church today while I sailed, and as I write she is preparing mac’n’cheese with bacon for dinner. Aren’t I lucky!

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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