Quiet week

 On the whole our week has been dry and sunny. The wind has been cold at times towards the end of the week. Friday however was significantly different. We had some rain overnight but by the time the paddle steamer left the wharf we were in sunshine. An hour later, just as we turned after collecting some passengers from Upokongaro the rain arrived - heavily, and just as I started my time on the helm. The rain on my face felt like sharp little pin pricks. Fortunately I was wearing my sunnies so my eyes were protected, but the skipper had to close his. He was only able to take over the helm when Bob the Bosun brought him some sunnies from our merchandise selection. My uniform didn’t dry out until after breakfast on Saturday.

Nicky had her hair cut on Monday morning after vestry cleaning. She was very pleased on returning home with the prospect of not having to go out again until Friday, with the exception of quizzing on Wednesday evening (we came 4th with 92 points). This also enabled her to spend much time in the garden and our green waste wheelie bin was overflowing by the time it was collected on Friday morning. On Monday evening we enjoyed watching Phantom of The Open. A true story film about an amateur golfer who gate-crashed the British Open in the 1970’s - more than once!

I too have done some work in the garden, and some MacOnSite work. Thursday through to today has been sailing on the steamer, with five trips in total.

On Friday evening Mark and Elaine (next door but one) came over for dinner of roast pork as we hadn’t really seen them since Christmas. It was good to catch up. We had a pleasant evening with them.

The river was looking lovely again this morning before I headed off to the wharf, and the moon was still visible:

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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