Lovely Light

 Our first week without daylight saving has been notable for the weather. The clear sunny days became cloudier at the beginning of the week, but the northerly winds pushed the temperature up to 27º on Wednesday. A very windy Thursday was followed by a wet and windy Friday. Some of the west coast on the South Island had 700mm of rain in 24 hours. Auckland was also in the firing line, but Whanganui got off lightly. The many hours of rain have done the garden a power of good apparently. The changes have brought us some glorious sunrises and some lovely light. The hills glowed for a few minutes on Wednesday morning:

On Thursday morning the shepherds were on high alert:

Sailing was cancelled on Friday because of the weather, so we started a jigsaw. Nicky also stewed kilograms of home grown apples that we had been given by various people. In the earlier parts of the week before the rain came, I washed the car and the house windows. It think it’s the first time I’ve cleaned the windows this year, and it’s really nice to be able to see out again!

Nicky has been persuaded to join a book club which meets once a month and doesn’t seem to be an excuse for over indulging on the grape juice. She didn’t have much time to complete reading this month’s book (Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus) before her first meeting, but sat to the challenge and finished it. She enjoyed both the book and the meeting, and I am now enjoying reading the book too. Her house group attended a Bible Friends communion service on Tuesday evening in place of their usual meeting and it went very well. Nicky’s highlight of the week was going to Wellington yesterday for the installation of one of Whanganui’s clergywomen as Assistant Bishop. I took her over to Gonville for 7am to join others in a minibus. The service at the Anglican Cathedral in Wellington was brilliant and lunch very good too. A brief visit to the botanical gardens cafe was squeezed in before the return journey home. I made fruit bread to go with some nice cheese for tea.

The rain has swelled the river and brought some considerable debris with it. We have been having to clear wood away from the boat before casting off both yesterday and today. It has also made the river a bit of an obstacle course while sailing. Our bosun is away visiting family this weekend, so I have been doing some of his duties. I have been pleased that everything so far (we have another sailing tomorrow) has gone OK.

We only came 5th at the quiz with 95 points this week, partially because John was unable to attend. We are preferring the new venue and some weeks even seem to be able to answer a few more questions than we used to. This afternoon has turned clear, sunny and settled again. Nicky is preparing dinner as I type this. Sunshine is pouring through the clerestory windows and across the ceiling. The Chase will be starting shortly, giving us some practice for next week’s quiz.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.

PS: this is the 900th posting on blog!


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