No strings on me

 Nicky’s week has been challenging. Monday was routine church cleaning, laundry and ironing. She popped down to see Krystyna and Mark with some flowers, as Mark’s brother died last week. On Tuesday morning she had a Zolendrate infusion (for osteoporosis). She was told she might have some influenza-like symptoms for 3 or 4 days. That proved to be an understatement. By Tuesday evening she was quite achey, but during the night started running a very high temperature, was shivering uncontrollably, and vomiting. She spent Wednesday and most of Thursday in bed, just taking liquid and still suffering with nausea, some vomiting, and some temperature fluctuation. Today (Sunday) is the first day where she has had a more normal eating pattern and really started feeling more normal. Hopefully in the next few days she will be back to her usual self.

On Monday morning we had a lovely sunrise and some rainbows before the rain came:

Some of the afternoon and overnight showers were very heavy, but by Tuesday afternoon the sunshine returned. While Nicky was at home group I made chicken, brie and sober cranberry pies, before starting on dinner. Nicky had invited Valda and Fiona. I made individual Yorkshire puddings stuffed with Philly cheese and steak, served with veg, followed by apple pie and custard. It went down well and we had a lovely evening. It was Valda’s last night in Whanganui and we have really enjoyed seeing her regularly over the last three weeks.

I have had three days of sailing this week, and apart from a chilly start and a little rain on Thursday, the weather has been good. Today’s two sailings were enjoyed in the sunshine with a pleasant breeze. I have also done a wee project in the kitchen. The step drawer which we had retro-fitted had a piece of green string on it to facilitate opening. I recently discovered that Nicky found this irritating, so I have replaced it with a black handle which is much more discreet. It was a straight forward task, except for shortening the bolts provided with the handle. They had break points in them but with my limited selection of tools I just couldn’t get them to snap. I took them into work on Thursday and used a bench vice and proper hacksaw to shorten them. When I got home I discovered I hadn’t shortened them enough, so had to repeat the process again on Friday morning. Finally on Friday afternoon I got the handle fitted, and string removed!

With Nicky not being well we didn’t join the quiz team this week, but the three who did came second. We also didn’t attend the community meal at the marae. In preparation for more dinner guests next week I made lemon curd on Thursday and then lemon curd cheesecake on Saturday so that it can cook in the fridge for three days.

Nicky was feeling bright enough on Friday afternoon for a pot of tea in the back garden, and it was very pleasant enjoying the cooler sunshine as the breeze moved the foliage.

The morning and evening temperatures are now noticeably lower as we move into autumn, but the light is lovely.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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