Winning Ways Again

 Our weather has been warm/hot and sunny for the majority of the week. Nicky has spent quite a bit of time working in the garden. I dropped her at church for vestry cleaning on Monday, while on my way to have my Covid booster. While at the hospital I also had a tetanus/whooping cough/diphtheria vaccination. Having one injection in each arm gave me two sore arms for a few days, along with my expected reaction to the vaccinations. In the afternoon I did some MacOnSite work, and Nicky made a lemon birthday cake for Lyn, who lives just down the road. Lyn had invited us over for nibbles and bubbles to celebrate the completion of her new front fence, as well as her birthday. We were joined by Barbara, a friend of Lyn’s, and Elaine who owns 414. We had a very pleasant time in Lyn’s front garden.

Tuesday’s public holiday for Waitangi Day started cool and clear, and developed into a hot sunny day with a cool breeze. I was on light duties following my vaccinations so only did a little weeding before finishing the jigsaw. I made a fruit crumble after lunch and we enjoyed our afternoon pot of tea sitting in the garden, which now has less weeds due to Nicky’s efforts.

Nicky had a poor night on Monday and Tuesday night was even worse with vomiting and heartburn. The hot weather may be a contributory factor. On Wednesday morning I swept off the spider webs and insects from the outside of the house and did some weeding as the day brightened. In the afternoon we had afternoon tea at Trevor and Elisabeth’s home (Trevor is a volunteer on the boat). After a quick visit home we collected Mike and headed off to the quiz at it’s new venue, the St. John’s Club. This is a very much nicer venue than Stell*s with much better toilets. The majority of the teams from Stell*s have joined the teams at St. John’s so there were around 150 people in the 20 teams. It was our first time there and we won with 105 points. 4 points ahead of the second placed team.

I have been back on the boat everyday since Thursday, and sailed twice on Saturday. Nicky had one borrower at Aramoho Library on Thursday and we went to the Community Kai at the marae in the evening. Afterwards we sat in the back garden watching the sunset, with our pot of tea until the mozzie’s started enjoying themselves too much. 

Nicky came down to the wharf with me on Friday to meet Sarah at the coffee cart, for hot chocolate and a chat. Upon her return home, Sue came over for lunch and a walk with Nicky. We enjoyed our dinner of fish and chips and started watching Series Two of Vigil. It’s as good as the first series.

We have been given loads of fruit recently from peoples’ trees; lemons, plums, apples and pears. Nicky has started pureeing them for freezing and continued yesterday. The fernery looked great in the lovely evening light:

Church and sailing were both good today, but we are both quite tired so will probably have an early night.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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