Still settled

Summer is drawing to a close. We can see it in the light and feel it in the air. We have had another largely settled and warm week with the accompanying sunsets: After church cleaning and having a cuppa with Dale on Monday, Nicky did some errands and researched sofa beds while in town. I cleaned and pottered round at home and did a bit of supermarket shopping while Nicky did the church kitchen laundry. We took advantage of the cinema’s Cheap Tuesday tickets to go and see Force of Nature (The Dry 2), which was very good. We were the only people in the cinema.That hasn’t happened for a while. I think it was the first time in Whanganui. Nicky dropped me at home and them went to have lunch with Pam before taking her to home group. I got started on the strimming and we went over to Valda’s (her son and daughter-in-law’s lifestyle block really) for dinner. We discovered that the hill which backs onto their property is the same one that we see from our bedroom window, it’s just th...