Best laid plans...

 My week hasn’t gone as planned. We were supposed to have seven sailings on the paddle steamer, but only did three in the end. Two were cancelled due to insufficient bookings, and both Saturday sailings because of the forecast of very high winds. Along with the very strong winds we had some major downpours which included hail. At one point when I looked out of the window the wind was blowing the rain in every direction. It looked just like a washing machine. On the upside, we have had some lovely sunsets:

I had a full health check at the doctors on Tuesday and passed, which I was pleased about. The unexpected time I have had at home has largely been spent in the garden, weeding and strimming the grass. With the weather being so bad yesterday I started a jigsaw, the one Nicky gave me for Christmas. Nicky was very pleased to abandon all thought of completing the ironing and started sorting pieces.

Nicky’s week has been much more as planned, with vestry cleaning on Monday, hairdressers on Tuesday, and staffing the Community Library on Thursday. Felicity R-R came over for lunch on Friday and Nicky made lovely spicy sweetcorn muffins and a cheese coleslaw. Yesterday she attending a blessing for the new Living Waters Blood Collection Service which was well attended. After church today she enjoyed a BBQ at Harrison Street where the co-vicars live in a communal house with their three daughters and some other members of the church staff.

We had an enjoyable evening and dinner over at Mark and Krystyna’s yesterday, but the weather had been causing them problems. They have known for a long time about leaks in their hidden guttering, but some new sites of water ingress also appeared yesterday. They already have a contractor booked to replace the guttering and are hoping it resolves all their leak problems.

What happens next week is anybodies guess.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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