Still settled

 Summer is drawing to a close. We can see it in the light and feel it in the air. We have had another largely settled and warm week with the accompanying sunsets:

After church cleaning and having a cuppa with Dale on Monday, Nicky did some errands and researched sofa beds while in town. I cleaned and pottered round at home and did a bit of supermarket shopping while Nicky did the church kitchen laundry.

We took advantage of the cinema’s Cheap Tuesday tickets to go and see Force of Nature (The Dry 2), which was very good. We were the only people in the cinema.That hasn’t happened for a while. I think it was the first time in Whanganui. Nicky dropped me at home and them went to have lunch with Pam before taking her to home group. I got started on the strimming and we went over to Valda’s (her son and daughter-in-law’s  lifestyle block really) for dinner. We discovered that the hill which backs onto their property is the same one that we see from our bedroom window, it’s just the other side.

We popped into the Medical Centre on Wednesday morning to get our My Health apps activated to help communicate with the Centre. Nicky raced into the cinema, as she discovered that she had dropped her dairy in the dark, while we were there on Tuesday. I went to see the Notary at the Court to get some documents authorised. We are applying for a Community Services card which will make some of our bills (mainly medical) cheaper if we get it. I posted the application in the afternoon. We had a quite poor showing at the quiz in the evening coming 7th out of 17, but only the winning team managed to get more than 100 points.

I was back on the paddle steamer on Thursday, doing some steering going upstream for the first time. Nicky staffed the Aramoho Library and we had a pot of tea in the garden on her return.

Nicky had an emergency Vestry meeting on Friday morning. Sue collected her and brought her home as they had planned to walk to the café at Upokongaro for lunch. We waved at each other when I passed them on the boat.

We sailed twice yesterday and I had an accident as we cast off on the first one. Somehow a rope which wasn’t releasing from the wharf, got tangled round my leg. We stopped the boat and I untangled myself but have been left with a bit of a rope burn. It is a salutary reminder that boats and their equipment can be dangerous. Nicky spent the day doing the household laundry and getting ready for dinner. Mark and Krystyna from up the road were coming. Nicky also invited Alex and Jocelyn from church as like Krystyna, Alex has a Polish heritage. Nicky made pea and mint soup,  focaccia, and a range of salads to go with the cold chicken and fish. I made an apple pie to go with the hot custard. We had a lovely evening.

Today I have done three sailings on the boat. Nicky attended both 8.30 and 10am church services. Valda came back for lunch after church and stayed into the afternoon. They were able to have a good chat. This evening we will be watching Grand Designs if we can stay awake.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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