One More Sleep

 Our weather has been warm and sunny this week, but the weekend was hot and humid which wasn’t so pleasant. As ever in the run up (or down!) to Christmas, we are busy with some time dependent tasks, while some regular commitments take a break for the holidays.

Nicky’s week didn’t start too well. She did a little weeding (in her PJ’s) while directing me to where she wanted me to do the trenching. While going to deposit the weeds in the green bin, Nicky walked into our open bedroom window, when distracted by a tractor engine starting up. She had abrasions, and bruising on her face and damage to her glasses. She was later due in town for church cleaning and a hairdressing appointment, so while she was there, called into the opticians who were able to repair her glasses for free. The weather induced the washing machine to be used and the car to be cleaned. I also did some MacOnSite work and Nicky did the ironing after dinner whilst we watched telly.

Tuesday was a visit to the doctor for Nicky to discuss her polymyalgia, followed by various church errands, then making gingerbread stars (yum) for gifting. I made a bacon and egg pie and continued reading The Secret, the latest Jack Reacher book.

I washed the winter quilt on Wednesday, and Nicky did major vacuuming. Weeding and reading was followed by an early dinner as we were off to our final quiz of the year, at a different venue (Lads Brewery). Our team, Charlotte’s Dummies, came 5th with 98 points.

Nicky had her last duty of the year at Aramoho Library on Thursday. I did some more MacOnSite work and laundry. I got the strimming done in the back garden on Friday and Nicky did all the household washing. We delivered Christmas gingerbread and wee knitted Christmas decorations to our neighbours during the evening. The weather was balmy and for the first time in what feels like weeks, there was no wind - dead calm.

I have sailed each day this weekend which has been more tiring than usual due to the hot and heavy weather. Yesterday much of our quiz team came round in the evening. We detected one of the cases in our Consulting Detective game, but the food and conversation was the most enjoyable part of the evening. I was late to bed and Nicky even later. She has been working hard in the kitchen today and is off to midnight mass this evening.

A pohutukawa tree just down the road from us has recently come into flower. Christmas is only one sleep away.

Have a really good Christmas, Rick and Nicky  


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