Routine and sunshine

 We have had some lovely weather again this during our routine week, with much sunshine and a warm northerly breeze. The temperatures have been 5-7ºC above average. Spring really seems to have sprung.

I felt I had a busy Monday morning, cleaning the filters in the inverter (heat pump), and the range hood, while Nicky cleaned at church. I also vacuumed, cleaned the cook top, and dealt with quite a list of household admin. Even though the afternoon was cloudy the laundry dried well and while Nicky sewed and I did the ironing. The evening saw Nicky off to church again for Alpha kitchen duty.

Nicky did some more laundry on Tuesday morning, while I was in town doing errands and shopping. She made a cheese soufflé as Suzanna was coming for lunch. After Nicky returned from home group we completed The Listener crossword with a pot of tea. Nicky ironed in the evening, whilst I prepared dinner before we vegged out in front of the telly.

I had an early trip into town on Wednesday to take Luna to the garage. The new drive belts which had been fitted at the annual service needed some adjustment as they were starting to squeak. We also needed a new sun visor fitting, as the driver’s side one had broken off. It was estimated that the work would only take a couple of hours, so I had planned to stay in town for the duration. I treated myself to breakfast in Parnells, a café which we hadn’t visited before. I enjoyed my eggs benedict and coffee while working out my sailing hours for the season, after receiving the full draft schedule by email. I walked off some of the calories by having an amble round the College Estate suburb, a part of Whanganui with which we are not familiar. It is one of the older and more established areas and it was a pleasant experience. After collecting Luna I drove home and continued reading Clarke by Holly Thornsby. I have throughly enjoyed it, especially whilst reading outside in the sunshine. Nicky spent the morning squeezing a large bag of lemons which we had been given. Some of the zest and juice was frozen, and some she used to make lemon curd. After lasagne for dinner we went off to our evening quiz, coming 5th this week with 95 points.

We had a good downpour overnight so we woke to a damp start on Thursday morning. Nicky went off to the audiologist and had her hearing and hearing aids checked and adjusted, before staffing the Community Library. I had an amble after doing the trenching and then cleaned the front of the northern boundary fence. I gave the outside of the house a sweep and cleaned out a bit of the guttering, in which something was growing. We had dinner at the marae community meal, which was busier than last month and quite noisy.

I was in town again on Friday morning to get a new glass front fitted to Nicky’s phone after it cracked when dropped on Thursday evening. Nicky had her first appointment at our “new” medical practice and it went well. I cleared the run-off drain by the drive and started strimming the back garden while Nicky did the household laundry.

Saturday morning was sailing for me. The bosun is starting to teach me his role on the ropes and the other boat management tasks ready for him to go on holiday next month. Nicky came into town with me to be collected by Dale, as they were both attending a Spring Retreat. They had a wee wander round the market first, but had a very good day at the retreat out at Fordell. On my return from work I washed the car and finished the back garden strimming. Mark and Krystyna (just down the road) had invited us for dinner, which turned out to be a lovely fish pie followed by lemon and raspberry brownies. We had a good natter while eating and digesting it. We’ve become good friends.

Sailing went well for me again today, with a little more learning of the bosun’s role. Nicky had a good morning at church. We have had a quiet afternoon with both of us feeling quite jaded.

The light most mornings has been really pleasant to watch as the sun comes up. This picture which I took this morning doesn’t do it justice:

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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