The Return of The Bean

 We began the week with a lurgy. Nicky was sufficiently unwell to be sent home early from vestry cleaning by Dale. The impact on me was much less. The clear start to Monday turned dull and drizzly, so we decided it was time for our very own Harry Potter film festival. By the end of the day we had watched the first two films and were feeling better than we had expected. The enforced resting and much drinking of lemon and honey probably contributed.

Tuesday was a double anniversary day; Felicity’s birthday and four years since we had first seen the section where we now live. To celebrate Nicky did some laundry and I raided the supermarkets. After some MacOnSite work in the early afternoon we watched the third Harry Potter film. The evening was taken up with watching Spain beat Sweden in the Women’s Football World Cup semi-final.

With both of us feeling brighter on Wednesday morning and with some clear weather we had some time outside. Nicky weeding the pioneers and me sweeping the outside of the house. We managed to squeeze in some of the fourth Harry Potter film, before I went to the dental hygenist, and then finish it on my return. Walking to the dentist’s after parking the car I saw this view of the Memorial Tower:

We were 7th out of 9 teams at the Wednesday night’s pub quiz, even though we scored 101 points. England won their semi-final against Australia, but it was a late kick-off for us so were too tired watch the whole match live.

Thursday started cold after overnight rain, the breeze having a distinct tone of penguin about it. Nicky staffed the Aramoho Library and I made lemon curd and trimmed the berm. After another bit of MacOnSite work and collecting Nicky from Aramoho Library, we did The Listener crossword as a dinner appetiser. Our evening viewing was film five; much Umbridge.

Friday was clear and sunny, but cold. Nicky got five loads of washing dry and I popped into town to return library books and do some more shopping. Our flax was harvested and I did the back garden strimming. After dinner we watched the sixth Harry Potter film.

The plan for Saturday, a dull and cold day, was to watch the two remaining Potter films. Not long into the first one Frances and her daughter Amy called in on their way to the market. Coffee and chat ensued and it was lovely to see them both again. We finished the two films in time for a special tea: baked beans on toast with very nice black pudding (purchased last week at the Home Show) followed by orange and date scones. The reason why it was special: was the baked beans. 

I stopped buying baked beans years ago when we began cutting down our sugar consumption. The amount of sugar in the sauce was way over 5%. However, earlier in the week we had watched an episode of “Inside the Superbrands” where the reporter visited a Manchester Heinz factory. We were intrigued at the range of baked beans they had on display. So, while in the New World I took another look at the  offerings. The only Heinz Baked Beans were the standard ones, but the sugar content was now listed as 5%. (Only products like Barkers Caramelised Onion Dressing or their Mango and Peach Chutney are exempt from my 5% sugar rule because a smidgeon hardly counts, does it?) So, I bought a tin and we both enjoyed them. Feeling replete, we watched a house re-design programme before dipping into the 3rd & 4th place match at the World Cup. Did our Prime Minister’s publicly declared support of the Matilda’s, since the Black Ferns had been knocked out, jinxed them we wonder?

Today has been damp on and off. While Nicky was at church this morning, I did the trenching and had a stroll. Nicky made us a lovely cheese soufflé for tea, which we followed with date and orange scones. The pink Watsonia have done their best to enjoy what sun we have had:

Tonight’s World Cup Final doesn’t kick-off until 10pm our time so I’m not sure how much we will watch, despite us keenly supporting the Lionesses. We many not know if Football is Coming Home or not until tomorrow. No doubt if one of us wakes in the night the FIFA website will be consulted.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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