Another Family Visit

 Our week began with the disappointment of the football Ferns being knocked out of the the Women’s World Cup. However, 30 other teams will also fail to win the cup so at least we are in the majority!

We took advantage of the “cheap” ticket prices at the cinema on Tuesday to see Oppenheimer. While long at three hours (with no intermission) it was very good, and we learned a great deal.

Wednesday was cold and wet and we had some hail. Quite an unusual event down here. I was able to slip between the raindrops while doing the supermarket shopping. I also nipped over to see a friend of a friend to provide some computer support. We headed off to the evening quiz into weather that was getting wetter and windier, but our team came 2nd this week which was good.

While Nicky staffed the Aramoho Library on Thursday I made pork pies. I had bought a leg of pork to contribute to the fillings and roasted the reminder for dinner. Nicky didn’t suppress her Collard-Scruby genes and went straight for the crackling when I put dinner on the table.

The new lenses were fitted in Nicky’s spectacles on Friday and she is very pleased with them. Steve and Ros arrived for afternoon tea before going off to their Andrew London evening concert at the Whanganui Music Club. In the evening while Nicky was doing the ironing the iron cable blew up and scorched her hand. Due to her ministrations it is on the mend.

We went into town on Saturday morning and bought a new iron. In the afternoon we took Steve and Ros to the Fair Trade Afternoon Tea at Christ Church. The tea and coffee were good, but there were no savouries and the cakes were sweet and quite dry. However, it was a fund raising event and well attended. 

In the evening, after a game of Scrabble, Steve and Ros took us to Caroline’s Boatshed for dinner. We all enjoyed the food but found the noise in the busy restaurant problematic. We returned home for a pot of tea and a chat on the phone with Felicity.

I had an amble this morning while Nicky was a church. This afternoon we had a lovely afternoon tea over at Phil and Kristina’s. After a bit of telly this evening we will probably have an early night as we are both quite tired.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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