A very short day

 We have turned a seasonal corner this week with the winter solstice. The shortest day brought us just eight and a half hours of daylight, and our 38th wedding anniversary.

When Clem and Pat came and stayed with us last year they gave us the money for a High Tea at Bushy Park. This is an Edwardian homestead now operating as a bed and breakfast and function venue, and is about a 30 minute drive from us. It’s grounds are operated by Forest & Bird and it is a predator-free area with paths and walks. We didn’t manage to have a High Tea there for Nicky’s birthday, due to confusion with the booking, so we tried again (this time successfully) for our anniversary.

Our booking was for Wednesday, as Nicky staffs the Aramoho Community Library on Thursdays, our actual anniversary day. After a quick early morning trip to the dentists for a post-crown fitting checkup, we assembled a picnic lunch and drove to Bushy Park. We had a couple of hours to enjoy some of the walks and views before having our afternoon tea:

We forgot to take pictures of the high tea before tucking in, but here are the crumbs and items which filled the doggie bag:

As you can see the weather was glorious, the walks not too challenging, and the food was lovely. Even my lactose intolerance was catered for. 

In the evening we quizzed again, and had pizza and wedges to wash down the questions. The team wasn’t quite at full strength. We came second by 1 point, also bettering the third place team by 1 point. It was a very closely contested evening.

To complete our wedding anniversary celebrations on Thursday, we had bought a bottle of Man O’ War Sauvignon Blanc while in Raumati. Nicky wanted to attend the deconsecration service of St Laurence, which was at 5pm. She took a plate of cheeses and crackers for after service nibbles, and on her way home purchased fish and chips for us to go with the wine. Great combo.

I have managed some peace and quiet this week, for which I had been hoping. Thursday and Saturday were relatively “idle”, and I read the book that Nicky gave me for my birthday (The Lighthouse by Christopher Parker). A few MacOnSite phone calls have been done, I finished scrubbing the concrete on the eastern path, and have trimmed the grass for the first time in about 6 weeks. On Tuesday morning Nicky was meeting a friend for tea and coffee at The Yellow House Cafe. I did the supermarket shopping and after collecting her, we went to Farmers to buy my birthday jeans.

Nicky’s week has been busier with her usual commitments, plus a meeting with Louise to discuss the Pastoral Care report they make to Vestry. The weather has been largely dry, so Nicky has also managed some time in the garden. Her post-Covid energy levels are much more back to normal now, and this week mine have been much better too. Yesterday she had another Small Group Leaders Training Day at church, which was the best yet.

We watched the film Radioactive one evening, the story of Marie Curie, which was very good. Today started very chilly because of the clear sky, but the sun has been gorgeous all day. I had my lunch outside on the north patio with the lounge ranch sliders open, and had to move into the shade by the time I was onto my coffee. It was warm enough to wear a short sleeved shirt this afternoon, when we popped over to Jacqui’s to deliver scones, her house warming gift, and to see her new home and garden in Castlecliff, a Whanganui suburb built next to the beach. It’s only small and Jacqui’s new home needs much updating, but we suspect Jacqui will make a brilliant job of both house and garden. 

We are without neighbours on the immediate east and west of our section. Neither Qusai nor Jacqui were ever noisy, but it is very quiet without them. We found out today that Jacqui is not seeking a quick cheap sale of her 406 section, so we may be neighbourless for some time. 

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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