
 The weather has been just lovely this week, unlike Nicky and I. Most days have been dry and clear with warm sunshine. While the air outside has still been chilly most of the morning, we have really enjoyed the solar gain inside our home.

We both tested positive for Covid again on Monday morning. I had a virtual consultation booked with a GP at our medical centre for Monday morning, so discussed our Covid situation with him. It transpires that now we have completed the 7 day isolation, we no longer need to keep testing. In fact, we are encouraged not to test as we could continue to get positive results for weeks because we have had Covid, but are no longer infectious. Taking precautions of physical distancing and wearing masks is a good idea, but in principle we can return to life as normal. Except neither of us feel well enough to do so. We both are still tired and short of energy, have some congestion and coughing from time to time. As a result, we have decided to stay home as much as possible and just potter with what energy we have.

Nicky’s tiredness has not been helped by her current poor sleeping pattern. This was largely prompted by the death of Sam, her cousin Lynne’s husband, and two parishioners, on top of feeling below par with Covid and its after effects.

My pottering took the form of washing the outside of the house. It normally takes me two days, but took four and a half this week. I concluded today with scrubbing the concrete on the south-east patio. The mould loved the warm wet summer. I also did some touch up painting, where the gas cylinders were moved.

Nicky’s pottering took the form of emptying all the stacked boxes in the wardrobe in The Room of Requirement in order to find her darning mushroom. Even though this initially proved fruitless, other things were found, and the mushroom eventually turned up in a small quilted bag which was in another bag in the last box to be searched. While doing all this she also cleaned the room and prepared it for Helen, a friend of ours from Auckland. She came and stayed Thursday and Friday night on her circuitous route home from Wellington. Nicky produced some lovely Moroccan meatballs (recipe provided by New World). When Helen arrived we were reminded that she is vegetarian, and avoids dairy and gluten as much as possible! While we were highly embarrassed Helen took it all in her stride.

Helen is a great house guest and we talked late into the evening on Thursday and Friday. She spent most of Friday in town raiding the op shops, which she loves doing.  Helen returned with some great finds, very pleased with her bargain purchases.

You may also remember Dear Reader, that during our week of isolation Dr. Milly sent us a jigsaw. This we have completed this week and thoroughly enjoyed doing so:

Take care, Rick and Nicky


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