It's autumn

 With the exception of a few notable events, it has been a very routine week.

The left hand door on the shower room cabinet had started to become difficult to open and close. I had a go at adjusting it, to try and rectify the situation. Even with the help of some YouTube videos I was getting nowhere. I noticed that it looked different from the other three hinges in the cabinet so started investigating further, at which point it came apart completely. I decided I had gone as far as I could with it, did a search for local handy men and came across a chap called Brian. It turned out he lives just down the road from us, and said he would call in on his way home from work. This he did, and within a few minutes had resolved the problem by replacing the hinge. He explained that my adjustments to it had been ineffective because it had broken. Brian was a very nice chap and is now on our list of trusted tradesmen.

On Thursday evening we went to the marae for our monthly shared meal. Nicky made a huge raisin sour cream flan which was enjoyed. However, I felt too tired to make the smoked fish pie which I had planned to prepare. Again there were a good number of people in attendance and we enjoyed speaking to folks who we hadn’t met before. We concluded the evening by watching the Sewing Bee.

On Friday when Nicky came to collect me, the car wouldn’t start - not enough juice left in the battery. I called our Roadside Rescue service, who arrived in a few minutes and got the engine going again. We had a trundle down SH3 for a while to give the battery a bit of a boost. I wasn’t able to get a replacement battery on Friday afternoon, but should be able next week.

So there you go. Such an exciting and vibrant life we lead! And we finished the jigsaw.

Along with laundry, ironing and gardening, Nicky has done her regular and emergency vestry duties and brass cleaning at Christ Church. She staffed the Aramoho Community Library on Thursday. Life Group is now meeting each Tuesday afternoon again, the Baptist church Evergreens group for retirees are once again sharing a monthly lunch.  Nicky also visited her Dental hygenist.

I have done another seven sailings on the paddle steamer, some shopping and strimming. I am finding the regularity of the work quite tiring now. I had been warned about this by the crew, as we work through the busiest part of the season.

With summer officially finishing last Tuesday, the autumn weather has decided to show it what to do. Since Wednesday we have had cool clear starts with largely lovely sunny days. We can see that the daylight hours are starting to diminish, but the warm dry settled weather is a pleasure. It has also lead to Nicky starting to harvest our first crop of damsons:

Take care, Rick and Nicky


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