
 Most of this week it has been raining, damp or overcast. As a result we have spent most of out time indoors. I had a sailing on Monday morning which went OK, and the weather wasn’t too bad. Nicky made brioche ready for Steve and Louise coming over for lunch. It was good to catch up with them when I returned home from work.

I discovered on Monday when my blood test results arrived that no PSA test had been done. Another blood test was required (done on Tuesday) for the PSA. While I was at the hospital Nicky ran some errands in town.

The weather became wetter on Wednesday so we started a jigsaw, which was completed this morning. It was the last of the ones we have borrowed from the Jigsaw Exchange so they are ready for swapping with another batch.

Nicky was at the Aramoho Community Library on Thursday. The weather continued to be un-inspiring but not as wet as forecast, so I made a lemon curd cheesecake, walnut bread and Boston Beans. The latter two items were for dinner. After dinner, some Mah Jong, and watching the final of the Great Kiwi Bake-Off, we toddled off to bed. At 3.05am we were woken by a 5.7 quake, again centred at the French Pass in the Marlborough Sounds. It didn’t last as long as the one when Stella was visiting recently, and the quake gel continued to hold our glassware in place.

Friday dawned clear, so the washing machine was pressed back into service. I popped into town to do a bit of shopping. On the way there I put our summer quilt into one of the big machines at the self-service launderette. When I returned 40 minutes later the machine was empty! I soon discovered that an amateur laundrette user had emptied the wrong machine. His wife was in the process of returning the quilt before emptying the correct machine! She was very apologetic but I said no harm was done. However, I was pleased to have our quilt back all the same. The sun and breeze dried it well when I got home.

While I was out Nicky made a cold lemon soufflé, replacing the cream with mascarpone for my benefit. After lunch I got the strimmer working again and cut the berm. We had a chat with Eleanor from down the road, who dropped in to see how the garden was coming along. I put up some new fairy lights in “the orchard” (the seven posts set in a curve where Nicky is growing fruit trees on espalier wire).

After Nicky had done some of the ironing from the day’s mountain of laundry, we put on some glad rags and went next door but one, for dinner at Mark and Elaine’s. Elaine had produced some slow-cooked beef which was lovely, as was Nicky’s lemon soufflé (excellent taste and texture). It was good to have some time with them and see their new deck, garage and sliding gate from the inside. Their front of their home is now quite private.

Yesterday, Saturday, started cool with some cloud, and remained overcast all day. I had a good sailing, putting into practice when steering, the things I had learnt while being tutored by the Bosun on Monday. For the first time, I actually felt I was starting to get the hang of steering the flat-bottomed paddle steamer. We had a bit of time in the garden in the afternoon, but I was really feeling too tired to be of much help. We donned our glad rags again early evening and this time walked up the road to Mark and Krystina’s who live opposite the Whanganui River Holiday Park. Krystina had produced chilli with rice, bread and salad which we enjoyed. My lemon curd cheesecake was also a winner (thanks Nigella). It was interesting to see their home and garden and hear their news and meet their new puppy Bertie - a black miniature Schnauzer.

Neither of us slept well last night, but I had another good sailing this morning and delivered another reasonable performance at the helm. The weather has been sunnier (though the breeze chilly) so more laundry has been done. Nicky was on the hospitality team at church and had a good morning. We have both had some shut-eye this afternoon. Nicky is making a tuna dish for tea and we have lemon curd cheesecake and a dried fruit pasty (with custard) to demolish (it’s a hard life).

The spring weather is encouraging the plants, and the front garden now has some colour:

Take care, Rick and Nicky.

PS: While at Mark and Krystina's they said they had seen my picture in the local free newspaper. Here is the item:


Cocker1 said…
Disappearing duvet -

We have a Bosch - E-Nr.GB/14 - WAT32480 FD 9710 washing machine and I wash our King size feather duvet in it without incident…..

This might help any future trauma!

Looking good Captain Pugwash!

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