Is that a triffid I see before me...

 The beginning of the week brought with it some lovely weather. Consequently Nicky got some weeding done in the garden, and I built us another bench, number 3. We have been able to start using the garden benches for morning and afternoon tea. I have also done some more strimming, but got rained off on Thursday.

Nicky did brass cleaning at St. John’s, and her volunteer stint at the library, but life group was cancelled this week. Wednesday was her last evening at Alpha which went well. Her visit to the audiologist was successful and the adjustments to her hearing aids seem to be beneficial. She finished the week by updating the roster for St. John’s and it is now almost finished. In between all this she has been doing laundry and ironing while negotiating with the weather, and has made three batches of scones. Some of these disappeared in my direction. Some disappeared out the door.

I had my first charter sailing on the Waimarie on Tuesday. It was an employee’s reward event for some local petrol stations. The boat had quite a different feel from our usual “tourist” cruises. I have also done a little MacOnSite work, along with two more sailings this weekend. Yesterday was quite wet which wasn’t fun. I am starting to do things on my own on the boat and learning from my mistakes! I made some lemon curd on Friday (in preparation for an upcoming cheesecake) and had a quick trip to the medical centre so that a nurse could take a look at a spot which has been lingering. Some antiseptic cream was prescribed.

The warmer weather has really encouraged the blossom in many gardens, including ours:

New World, the supermarket where we do most of our shopping, are having their regular annual “Little Garden” give-away. These are wee pots of seeds in compost aimed at encouraging children to grow things. In the past I have sent them to Claire, but she declined this year so Nicky has asked to have them. The kitchen windowsill is becoming a veritable forest of little triffids:

Besides Nicky’s usual morning church going this morning, she was back to Christ Church this afternoon for Whanganui’s official Memorial Service for our late Queen. She said it was the best of the four Services she had seen. The mayor delighted the congregation with an extract from a description of the Queen and Prince Philip’s only visit to Whanganui in 1954.

Take care, Rick and Nicky.


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