Interactive Poppies

According to the Whanganui Chronicle, we had the second wettest September on record this year, with twice the expected rainfall. I thought I had seen it raining. It has certainly had an impact on the garden, and Nicky is very pleased that some of the poppies have started to appear:

She is also quite tickled at how they interact with the sun, opening up their petals in its presence.

We have had a much more “indoors” week due to the weather (but this is October rain not September rain). This has slowed Nikcy’s progress in the garden, but she has got some work done on the path that she is planting, and lots of seedlings have gone into the ground. I have made slow but steady progress with filling the fence gaps, and now only have three more to go and am in need of some more materials.

I was quite busy with MacOnSite work at the beginning of the week. Nicky had a meeting about the Church Fair, and we started on another puzzle from the Jigsaw Exchange.

We had a chat with Mike and Elaine, the new owners of 414, as I had discovered a drainage pipe that went under our fence and onto their property. It didn’t look like anything had come out of it but we wanted to appraise them of the situation and find out how they felt about it. They were not overly concerned but seemed pleased that I planned to contact Bert the Project Manager to find out from where it came. When he replied to my email, I discovered that the pipe was draining from behind the retaining wall.  I shortening the corrugated pipe so that it’s length stayed on our side of the fence.

When Mike and Elaine had their house warming, we met Cherie, who was interested in our house as she is planning a small build herself. Cherie came round this week to take a look at what we had done, and to ask about our experience. We had an interesting couple of hours.

We had another good chat on Friday, this time with Fiona down the road who invited us for morning coffee. We walked there without getting wet and walked home in sunshine, which was an unexpected treat.

Yesterday was mainly dry, but chilly until the sun came out in the afternoon. I painted planks for the fence gaps while Nicky gardened. Most of the planks have been used to fill the biggest gap today, and Nicky has had a quiet day with not feeling 100%. She feels like she is starting with a lurgy, and is still suffering with a continual headache from her new blood pressure medication.

Wednesday evening was dry and pleasant, so we drove over to Virginia Lake Park and had an amble around Lake Rotokawau.  Nicky was delighted to see Clivia planted en masse in red, yellow and orange colours.  We finished our walk with sitting and watching the illuminated fountain.

Take care, Rick


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