Long with three legs

It feels like it has been a busy week, especially in terms of coffee production, but more of that later. Nicky did a laundry marathon on Monday with us having been away and the weather last week not having been brilliant. We were both quite jaded after our long drive home, so took the day gently. While in town doing a bit of shopping I discovered that the scaffolding round the Opera House had been taken down, revealing the new paint job:

In the late afternoon Nicky went off for a church meeting, the first she has attended since joining the Friends of St John’s committee. 

On Tuesday morning Lake (pronounced lucky, because he is Tongan) and Kane arrived to continue with the installation of our fencing. They have been with us for the rest of the week and have made significant progress. The slope of our section has provided some challenges, and to Nicky’s disappointment the red camellia tree by the dinning area ranch slider had to come down.  However, we are very pleased with how the fence looks, and how cosy it has made the front garden. The colours of the plants pop in front of it. We are hopeful that it will largely be finished next week, so here are some photos of the current situation:

Kane gets through 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day, which he likes “long with three legs”, ie: white with three sugars. That was a new colloquialism to us.

From Wednesday onwards, after England beat Denmark, we have been working in the haha, removing stones, putting down weed matting, and planting ferns and grasses. This has left us aching at the end of each day, but it is now almost done. We need a bit more matting and there are some more plants to go in.

We had a FaceTime chat with Jancis this week, mainly for technical support but also to catch up on Loughborough news. The weather has been quite cool and windy at times, but most of the rain has come overnight.

Nicky had church this morning and then made scones for an afternoon farewell to one of their elderly parishioners who is going back to England to live with family, after the death of his Kiwi wife. He has the most unusual Christian name of Rohan. No, not a Tolkein connection. Rohan was born in Egypt and had a French mother and English father.

I discovered this week that the satellite images that Apple use in its Map application have been updated again.

I think this would have been taken early February, which is about the same time that it was updated last year, so come on Google, extract your digit and update your 6 to 8 year old image.

Take care, Rick


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