The wait is over

Monday was a Public Holiday due to the Queen having a birthday again this year, and for us it was the day we drove back home from our weekend visit to Auckland. We journeyed via Thames in the Coromandel so that we could catch up with Andrew, who was better than we expected. He introduced us to a Turkish establishment where we have a lovely lunch. As we headed south the weather improved (it stopped raining) and we had an uneventful journey back. It was nice to be home.

The after effects of the weekend (much driving and four nights in two unfamiliar beds) were exacerbated by us having our first Covid19 vaccinations this week. This combined with nights of broken sleep and the news of Felicity’s deteriorating health while in hospital in England has lead us to have a week of emotional turmoil and a constant feeling of being under the weather.

We discovered on Wednesday that our paper Code of Compliance Certificate for our new home had been posted to our old address in Auckland, and then it arrived by email from the Council. It is the documentation (virtual or otherwise) that we have been wanting for the last six months so it was a great relief to receive it. A copy was immediately despatched to Kainga Ora. The bottle of bubbles that we had purchased for this long awaited event while in Melbourne in 2019 was chilled and then consumed with dinner (with a couple of glasses going to our neighbours), and we really enjoyed it.

I have had a busier-than-of-late week of work, including a new customer in Tauranga. Nicky has attended life group, and between us much laundry and ironing has been done. Nicky made a very large batch of hearty broth with ingredients that she purchased on Monday. Some went to unwell neighbours, some we consumed, some we kept for Frances coming over for tea on Saturday, and the rest is in the freezer.

Bert called in on Friday to fit the grab rail and accessory basket in the shower again, only to discover that once more, that he had forgotten to bring his diamond drill with him (for the shower room tiles). He said he would return next week, so we have started organising the blessing of our new home and house warming (You’ve got to give us points for optimism). We had the afternoon in town undertaking various small errands and shopping tasks, which culminated in an uplifting visit to the gift shop in the Sergeant Galley. It was our first visit and we will be back - we might even have a look round the gallery next time!

Nicky had another trip to Mitre 10 on Saturday morning to take advantage of their plant sale, then later made bread rolls for tea and I made an apple and Wensleydale pie. All went down well with and after the broth and we had a very good evening with Frances. The weather was gorgeous and I had my lunch al fresco in the sunshine - and it’s nearly the middle of June!! The Maori new year, Matariki is just around the corner.

Finally, I though you might like to see the birthday card that Nicky gave me this year - one of the best:

Take care, Rick


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