Finished, phase one anyway.

It feels like it has been quite a week, one way and another. Nicky started the week with major intestinal issues, caused we suspect by some stray chilli seeds in the soup she had made last week, and had been consumed over the weekend. It also had an impact on me, but nowhere near as devastating. She didn’t really start to feel more “normal” until Thursday.

After Bert called in last week and promised to be back this week to fit the grab rail and accessory basket in the shower room, we decided to organise our Blessing and House Warming for Friday (18th). Most of the  invitations went out by email, but some needed to go by hand. Nicky just wasn’t up to delivering on Monday, and I didn’t want to leave her on her own as we had a window cleaner calling in to give us a quote, and the fencing crew had arrived and started work. As a result I did the deliveries on Tuesday morning and got very wet - the theme of the weather for the week. The weather and other jobs stopped the fencing crew from progressing further this week, but the window cleaners came on Thursday afternoon and did a brilliant job. It is the first time the big high windows at the front have actually been cleaned, and they look so much better, as do the clerestory windows.

Bert was true to his word and fitted the rail and basket in the shower on Wednesday. They were the last items to be done. The house is finished. It is really good to have the shower finally configured the way we wanted it.

We also had a very long visit from a young and personable estate agent on Wednesday afternoon so that he could prepare a valuation appraisal for us, the result of an email exchange that the agency had started with Nicky. We will find out what he thinks next week.

Our final Wednesday excitement was that we saw a new lamb frolicking in the paddock behind us, our first of the season:

Along with some gardening (N) and remote support (me), Thursday was planning and starting food preparation for the Blessing and House Warming. This became our main focus for Friday as the number of replies steadily went up. Nobody involved in the actual building of the house was able to join us, but Felicity the real estate agent who found us the section did come, and it was great to see her again. Our approximately 39 guests were neighbours, people who came and had a look at the house when they saw we had moved in, and fellow parishioners that Nicky has met at church. 

We set up the two library tables under the car port for the food, and our other two tables for drinks, but we were not quite ready when the first guests arrived early. Lee took the Blessing Service very well, and people seemd to enjoy wandering round the house, having a chat, and grabbing a bite to eat. It was a cold evening so gradually everyone gathered inside. We were expecting a “second wave” so hung onto some of the hot food in readiness, but the wave never arrived. Even though the preparation and clearing up was hard work for both of us, we are pleased we made the effort. Being very busy hosts we both forgot to take any photos, but fortunately one of our neighbours did:

Nicky phoned Reg on Saturday morning as we were both awake early, and his positive news of Felicity’s health situation was very welcome. We didn’t do very much as we were both quite jaded and the weather was again wet. I think we have only had laundry on the line for about an hour all week, and there have been some dry breaks, but it has definitely been feeling wintery.

While Nicky was at church this morning, I did some cooking, making a LOBs pasty (left over bits of chicken, bacon, onion, carrots, beans, cabbage and mascarpone, and short crust pastry) for our lunch. With the library tables still being out under the car port, we have taken advantage of the space in the sewing room to do some more organising, primarily by putting pictures up. This will continue tomorrow as we have had enough for today.

Take care, Rick


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