
A new TV show started here recently (I guess it has already aired in the UK) called “How to look 10 years younger in 10 days”. I haven’t actually watched it but I have seen the trailers and worked out how to look 10 years younger instantly: just tell people I’m 70!

The highlight of our week has been another trip to Wanganui, and seeing our home really starting to look like a house now. The roof is on, most of the windows are “in”, and it has been wrapped in building paper. Interestingly, not only did this give the outside of the house definition, it helped us see that shapes of the rooms from the inside. It also highlighted a very interesting space above our bedroom door, which reaches all the way up to the high ridge of the building. We don’t know how this will turn out in the end. The absence of the scaffolding (which took me a moment or two to notice) means we can now see the size of the house accurately, and how it sits on the land, which we find very pleasing.

Nothing happened in terms of building while were there, which was a little disappointing. I realised afterwards that in the text exchange I had had with Adam the Actual Builder before going down about the windows and cladding, the four days he mentioned to do the work wouldn’t necessarily be consecutive - that was my assumption. However, we had three long visits to the house (which smells gently of wood) discussing all sorts of issues and ideas. It was really nice planning for our own home, something we haven’t done for many years. We had plans for Park Road when we moved there in 1991, but none of them were implemented due to lack of funds. Nicky did use Andy Webb’s garden design for inspiration in the garden, and with the help of the insurance company some of our cosmetic changes were realised after the radiator leak induced flood, but we never got to the extension or kitchen rebuild.

Tuesday was quite wet, but we had a good chat with a local while at the house (it’s interesting that other people are keeping an eye of the progress of the build), and drove up to Mosquito Point. Wednesday started out much better so we had breakfast outside with this view, before driving back to Auckland:

Thursday was busy with work for me. October has turned out to be my busiest October since starting MacOnSite. Nicky went into town for a concert which was OK, but not as enjoyable as some others. Steve and Mary came over in the afternoon for technical support and catch-up chats. We had fish and chips for tea, as we were both feeling quite tired.

I woke on Friday morning quite congested and with a sore throat, so went for a Covid test (which I failed, again!!) after doing the shopping. Nicky did loads of washing and ironing while giving the weather many hard stares as the rain came and went, and came and went… 

We had a very pleasant surprise with a WhatsApp video chat with Bruce and Wendy in the afternoon. I started feeling really unwell so Nicky made dinner (steak and Philly cheese wraps with salad, yum) followed by a challenging night for both of us.

Scrabble was wisely cancelled yesterday as nobody wanted to risk catching anything from me (very sensible) so Nicky started a jigsaw that Andrew gave us last weekend but it is difficult and consequently not very engaging. I felt rubbish all day.

Nicky enjoyed church this morning, I am on the mend and sleeping regularly to catch up on looking my age, and we have had warm sunshine this afternoon. As I write this Nicky is making maple and walnut muffins for tea. I keep looking at the pictures we took of our new home and am still not quite believing its ours!

Take care, Rick


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