We finished the jigsaw!!

On the whole, we have not had the best of weeks, but we have had some lovely sunshine.

Nicky has got over the virus (which I kindly gave her) more quickly than I did, but even so only really started to feel more like normal at the end of the week. 

We finalised the kitchen design on Monday, but it took until Friday to get all the costs sorted. Hopefully they will be able to get all the materials and parts in time. However, what “in time” means is open to interpretation. Nicky and I have been having stressful discussions about planning the move, and in the end she persuaded me to go with the dates that Bert gave us most recently, and if they don’t pan out we just let the removal company know asap.

We were contacted by one of our new neighbours on Monday, Jacqui, with whom we will share a boundary, as she wanted to talk about fencing. She has been very upset by the egress onto her section by our builders, so Nicky spent much of the conversation apologising. Hopefully, when we meet we will be able to start a good long-term relationship.

The other issue which came up this week was that Nicky discovered one of her library colleagues who she had worked with from time to time and liked very much was killed by her husband 18 months ago. We only learned this by seeing a report of his court case. With it all happening after Nicky had retired she wan’t “in the loop” and found the news very upsetting.

On more positive notes, Nicky was able to attend life group this week for the first time in ages, and had a really good trip into town on Thursday for two concerts and enjoyed the Christmas display in the windows of Smith and Caughey’s. This year’s book was The Night After Christmas:

We also finally finished the jigsaw that Andrew had given us on Labour Day:

We have finished the week off with a couple of evening strolls round building sites in our vicinity (7 within 5 minutes walk in two different directions), which has been very pleasant, and a quiet weekend. We had post breakfast drinks on The Rattigan yesterday (not Pimms) and while Nicky was at church today I went out to Karekare for the first time since early June. It was good to have a walk and swim. The Scrabble crew came over mid day and did their thing. I think the evening will be spent with the telly.

Take care, Rick


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