A hint of summer

I have been busy with work most of the week, both on-site and remote. October is developing into a much more “normal” pre-Covid month, my first of the financial year which started in April. I had a cooking day on Thursday, making pork pies and lasagne, and finishing off the day at a Deep and Meaningful meeting.

Nicky has been able to attend more of her usual events this week, with Seniors Church, Holy Communion and ukulele sing along. Reading and laundry, along with some cooking, has filled most of the rest of her waking hours.

The weather has started showing signs of summer, with both Thursday and Saturday being warm sunny days, and today has been quite pleasant too.

On the house front we now have a roof, confirmed by Nicky’s life group leaders who called into Wanganui while having few days in the south of the North Island this week. 

Nicky and I did a hot water tap reconnaissance to check out one which we had seen advertised and the other suggested by Bert. The last of the removal firms did their assessment and we now have all the quotes. All we have to do now is decide who to use and what to ask them to do (in terms of packing).

We have finished the week with Labour Weekend and a family lunch at Paul and Jennys. We haven’t had a gathering since my birthday in June so it was good to get together again. Nicky took a few photos:

Take care, Rick


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