Lost and...

I think it is true to say that Wednesday was our most eventful day of this week. Nicky went off to Henderson Library in the morning for her monthly Book Chat session. On her way home she discovered that she had left her iPad on the bus. She phoned NZ Bus to alert lost property to the fact and to ask the bus driver to take a look for it. 

During the afternoon we went down to the Resene Colour shop to pick up some paint sample cards (we are thinking of having one coloured wall in the main living area) and were introduced to a wee masking device that they have which really helps with perceiving colours accurately, and investigating complimentary colours. It was a most illuminating experience.

In the evening Nicky had organised a life group social at Bricklane to take advantage of a 20% off voucher. Eleven of us dinned and conversed and we had a very pleasant evening.

On Thursday morning Nicky rang NZ Bus again and was told that an item matching the description of her iPad was at the Henderson Depot, so I zipped over to collect it before doing the shopping. Nicky went into town for a free concert (which she thoroughly enjoyed) and was very happy to be reunited with her iPad on her return.

Other than that our week has been quite routine, with Nicky involved with her usual activities, keeping our eye on the weather for getting the washing dry, and really enjoying the almost spring-like sunshine on Tuesday.

I have been busier with work this week, and helped a friend from Deep & Meaningful with her technology, so that has been good. I was out at a pub on Friday evening to celebrate a 70th birthday, but it had very loud music which made conversation almost impossible.

The weekend has been quite restful. Nicky Scrabbled at Stella’s yesterday, and returned home with Sanditon on DVD (loaned by Ros). This we have started watching (it’s a series, not a film) and also had a good FaceTime chat with Jancis. 

Nicky had started a jigsaw on Friday evening but we both struggled with it so that was abandoned today. I made a large mince pie (sweet) while Nicky was out yesterday to use up the Christmas mince meat that was still in the fridge, and it complemented the all butter shortcrust pastry very well. Nicky went to prison after church today. I did one of our small Wentworth jigsaws and then made veg soup to use up some that were looking past their best. This came out quite tasty and we enjoyed having it for tea. We will be watching some more Sanditon tonight.

Take care, Rick

From the archive, the public toilets outside Mt Roskill Library:


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