Ernie's Cousin bites the dust

It has been another quiet week living under Level 3 here in Auckland. I seem to have settled into a routine of spending the morning at my desk doing work and personal admin, and remote support when required. Lunch accompanied by the daily briefing from the Beehive is often followed by us taking an amble and playing a game of Mah Jong, Rummy-O or Triominos before watching The Chase while preparing dinner. Our evenings are occupied by the tellybox, and this week we have been watching some of our own DVD’s and enjoyed films that we haven’t seen for quite a few years. The weather has been as variable as ever this week, with some heavy rain and some lovely sunshine, especially yesterday. This might change next week when spring arrives! (You have to give me points for optimism). Nicky has been feeling a little under the weather, and thinking of going for a Covid test, and then this morning we saw a request which was headlined “Everybody in West and South Auckland should get a test”, and t...