Please hold caller

We have had a week at home as our Covid Level 3 restrictions mean we can’t go down to Wanganui, and can’t do too much going out generally either. All our social events have ceased, but we have supported local business by having sushi on Monday and fish and chips on Friday, all done by contactless transaction. The Covid Level is to be reviewed by cabinet tomorrow as the current arrangement expires at midnight on Wednesday.

I have also done some contactless transactions with a couple of my customers this week, collecting and delivering machines (laptops fortunately) that I have worked on at home. Monday and Tuesday were also very busy with remote support, and the other weekday mornings were fully occupied with various emails, admin and some food shopping.

Nicky has been busy doing laundry (when the weather allows) and cleaning, Zooming with church, and sewing face masks. She has also had some cold symptoms but these have been coming and going most of the year and not developing into anything major. 

We have had quite a few games of Rummy-O, Triominos and Mah Jong (and Dawn joined us one afternoon), and we have been working on a jigsaw all weekend. We have mixed experiences watching library DVD’s but really enjoyed our own copy of Waking Ned Devine on Friday.

We are looking forward to receiving some photos from Bert as the slab should have been poured in Wanganui yesterday.

Here’s a photo of Deep Stream (in the Waitaki Valley) from the archives:

Take care, Rick


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