Here we go again

As some of you will already know, we have had a quick trip to Wanganui this week to see what is happening at the section. It is six months since we were last there. Exciting news arrived as we planned our trip - the new floor design has been consented by the council, and we had been told by Bert that they were working on the piles and retaining wall. We drove down on Thursday, stopping at our usual haunts for driver swapping, hot drinks and toilet facilities. We arrived while it was still light, but only just, so hopped out of the car and took our first batch of photographs. 

We had decided to stay at the Top 10 Holiday Park just up the road, and this turned out to be just a 5 minute walk to the section.

Friday was mainly taken up with visiting three window covering suppliers to get some idea of what we need to budget. The discussions were very helpful in coalescing our ideas about what we want where, and some interesting suggestions and comments were made. We had a late morning tea/coffee stop in a café we hadn’t visited before, and just as we were leaving I discovered their date scones are the biggest ones I have ever seen - so I will need to go back sometime and try one. We had burgers and Dahl chips at The Citadel for dinner and to use the SOS voucher that I had purchased during lockdown. For those of you who are unaware of he SOS scheme, some bright spark set up a website during Level 4 Lockdown where vouchers could be purchased for participating cafés to keep their cash flowing. 

Our return journey yesterday was again uneventful, though we are enjoying using the new road round Huntley. We liked the accommodation at the Holiday Park and will stay there again, but might go for something with a bed bigger than a standard double.

Other news from the week is thinner on the ground. Luna spent longer than expected at the panel beaters at the beginning of the week, but the work was completed Wednesday afternoon and the warrant of fitness was issued. Nicky had her regular church activities and an evening Maranatha meeting, but also had a sore throat early in the week. A Covid-19 test came back negative, but she decided to have Wednesday at home and missed out on a surprise lunch for a friend and life group in the evening.

Work has been almost non existent for me with just one remote support call, so I’ve been cooking and laundry monitor a little more than usual.

It has been good to have a quiet day today with us both feeling tired. Nicky made savoury scones and date and orange scones after coming back from church this morning, and Steve, Ros and Stella have been over for Scrabble this afternoon. I think we will be having another early night.

Take care, Rick


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